Pengembangan Aplikasi Ular Tangga Digital Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Rejoso 1 Kabupaten Blitar

  • Nico Slamet Chrisna Putra Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Prihatin Sulistyowati Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Iskandar Ladamay Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Abstract: Based on the analysis of the teacher's learning process using less attractive media and resulting in students not being able to fully understand the thematic learning material, it is necessary to develop learning media in the form of game applications in the form of software that can support the learning process. The objectives of this research are 1) to explain the development of the snake and ladder game application for elementary students, 2) to explain the validity of the snake and ladder game application for elementary students, 3) to explain the practicality of the snake and ladder game application for elementary students, 4) to explain the effectiveness of the snake and ladder game application for elementary school students. elementary school students. This research method is a development research method by adapting the Borg & Gall model with 5 stages, namely: research (data collection, planning, product development, product validation, field implementation testing. The test subjects in this study were class V SD Negeri Rejoso 1, Blitar Regency. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The snake and ladder game application based on the results of media validation obtained a score of 94% in the feasible category, the results of material validation obtained a score of 90% in the feasible category, the results of language validation obtained a score of 90% with the feasible category.The results of the practicality validation of the teacher obtained 86% with the very good category, the results of student responses obtained 91% with the very good category and the results of the student effectiveness obtained 87% with the category not needing revision.


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