Analisis Dampak Pandemi Virus Corona Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas II SD Percobaan II Malang

  • Tabeta Novia Cahyaningtyas Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Abstract: This study aims to determine the implementation of learning during the corona virus pandemic on student learning motivation on theme 8 sub-theme 4 learning 6. It is hoped that during the corona virus pandemic the teacher can build student motivation which includes indicators of persistence in learning, relevance, attention, resilience. in the face of adversity. Self-confidence, and independent in learning. Judging from the type of data, the research approach used in this study is qualitative research. This research is intended to obtain an overview of the application of learning carried out at home. The research subjects were students of class II SDN Experiment 2 Malang, totaling 28 students. Data collection is taken by the method of observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used was qualitative. The results of the research on the impact of the corona virus pandemic can build learning motivation for grade II students of SDN Experiment 2 Malang. as evidenced by the results of the questionnaire obtained regarding the impact of the corona virus pandemic in accordance with the expectations of the researchers, this was reinforced by the average percentage of research results regarding student learning motivation which was 77.5% and was in the good category.


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