Pengaruh Model Problem Posing Terhadap Kemampuan Berfikir Kreatif Siswa Kelas IV

  • Arief Rahman Hakim Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Ludovikus Bomans Wadu Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Yuliana Bella Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Based on the results of observations at SDN Sukun 3 Malang Academic Year 2019/2020, it is known that when learning activities take place, teachers rarely use the learning model, so that students experience boredom in following the learning process, when the learning atmosphere takes place there are some students who play alone with their classmates, and students pay less attention to the explanation from the teacher because the students are engrossed in their own activities (chatting with friends) and are centered on the teacher so that students do not understand the material presented. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the problem posing model on students' creative thinking skills. the wealth of my country is class IV SDN Sukun 3 Malang. This study uses a quantitative approach. This type of research is true experiment. The independent variable in this study is the problem posing model, while the dependent variable is the student's creative thinking ability in thematic learning. The population and sample used in the study were students of class IV A as the control class while class IV B students were the experimental class. This sample determination uses the full sampling technique because sampling can be all members of the population used as a sample. The research instrument used in this study was a test. Data analysis used analysis prerequisite test (normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis test). The results showed that there was a significant influence between the problem posing learning model (X) on the creative thinking skills of fourth grade students (Y). With the value of t = 33.44 with a significant 0.002, which means that the problem posing learning model has a significant effect on the creative thinking skills of fourth grade students of SDN Sukun 3 Malang. The author suggests the teacher to use the problem posing model in classroom learning activities because the problem posing model is more effective on students' creative thinking abilities than the methods that teachers can use, namely lectures and questions and answers.


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