Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Teams Games Tournament (Tgt) Berbantuan Media Crossword Puzzle Dan Motivasi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V Pada Matapelajaran Ipa

  • Eva Maslida Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


This research was conducted to answer the issue of whether there is an influence of the learning models of teams games tournament (tgt) assisted by crossword puzzle media and motivation on the learning achievement of fifth grade students in science subjects. The results of the study through the t test showed the prettest data results obtained sig = 0.722, because the significance value of 0.722 > 0.05, the data variance was assumed to be the same. With a sig (2-tailed) value obtained at 0.029 with a sig value of 0.029<0.05, then Ho is rejected so that between the experimental class and the control class students have the same initial ability. While testing the first hypothesis is Fcount (9.586)> Ftable (3.42) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning there is an influence after being given treatment to student learning achievement in science learning. The conclusion of this study is the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning model has an effect on student achievement and student motivation.
