Pengembangan Media Monopoly Smart Games (Msg) Dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas Iv Sd

  • Fira Khotmul Kasanah Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


Learning media is a supporting tool in learning with the aim to improve the quality of students in teaching and learning activities. But in reality the teacher only uses the lecture method so the learning is very monotonous. This study aims to develop Monopoly Smart Games (MSG) media for grade IV elementary schools that are suitable for use in learning activities. This development research uses the ADDIE model. Monopoly Smart Games (MSG) media research results that are decent in all aspects of the media experts get an average of 92.9% in the "Eligible" category. The practicality assessment of Monopoly Smart Games (MSG) media, obtained from the responses of prospective users and student questionnaire responses, averaged 96.5% in the "Very Good" category. Media Monopoly Smart Games (MSG) has implications for increasing learning motivation and learning interest in students and learning becomes fun.
