Literasi Verbal Siswa pada Keterampilan Berbicara pada Siswa Kelas III di SDN Kebonsari 4 Malang

  • Nike Shintike A Lau Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Dwi Agus Setiawan Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Ratih Kartika Werdiningtiyas Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


Abstract: This research discusses about the research result of Students’ Study ofVerbal Literation in speaking skill (Study case on the third grade students of SDN Kebonsari 4 Malang). This research intended to: (1) describing the plan policy of GLS, (2) describing the implementationpolicy of GLS, (3) knowing the effect of GLS in students’ speaking skill on the third grade students of SDN Kebonsari 4 Malang. The approachment and method of collecting data that used in this research is the descriptive qualitative design with study case type. This research was conducted on February 2019. The subject of this research was the students and the teachers of third grade. The steps of collecting the data was interview, observation, and documentation. Also using triangulation of data collection and data/source triangulation to ensure the validity of the data. The result revealed that implementation of literation movement is done well where there are some policies to support the school literation movement (GLS) : (1) reading program during 15 minutes, (2) supporting books, (3) there are reading corners in some classes, (4) literation class. From the literation activity also the students can be taught to think critical, creative, so that they can be able to argued. The speaking skill can be trained from the early age. On literation activity, there arehabituationstage, development stage and learning stage. These three stages can be used to train the students to build their self confidence in order to speak in public, and also on these stages they can be able to train the students in order to speak in good and polite Indonesian.
