Pengembangan Modul Saku FPB dan KPK Berbasis Problem Solving pada Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas IV SD

  • Intan Maretta Maretta Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


This research is motivated by the lack of mathematics teaching materials in fourth grade elementary school learning. The purpose of this study is to develop teaching materials in the form of FPB and KPK pocket modules based on probem solving based on learning mathematics in grade IV elementary schools that are valid, practical, and effective. This research includes development research that uses the 4D development model (Four D Models). This model consists of four stages, namely the define stage, the design phase, the develop phase, and the disseminate stage. Valid products are tested on grade IV elementary students. Data collection instruments used were questionnaires for validation of material experts, media experts, linguists, practitioner experts (teachers), and questionnaire responses of students as well as documentation. Analysis of the data used by researchers is a quantitative data analysis technique obtained through a questionnaire to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness, as well as qualitative data obtained through criticism and suggestions. The results of the study are: a) valid with a percentage of 92.3%; b) practically with a percentage of 88.51%; c) effective with a percentage value of 88%. Based on the presentation of the above assessment results, the problem solving based FPB and KPK pocket modules are categorized as suitable for use in learning because they meet valid, practical and effective criteria. The FPB and KPK pocket modules can be used by students to learn independently and can be used by the teacher as teaching material in the learning process.
