• Nessy Pattimukay Pattimukay Universitas Pattimura


The purpose of this study is to describe the pedagogical knowledge of elementary school teacher candidates related to the concept of fractions. PCK is a combination of content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and knowledge about students in learning certain materials. This research uses a qualitative approach. Subject selection is done by giving a test to a group of PGSD students, then the test results are processed and grouped into two categories namely low categories namely low-ability students (x <60) and high categories namely high-ability students (x ≥ 60). The subjects in this study were prospective elementary school teacher students at Patimura University who were in the high category that had the highest mathematical ability scores. Data was collected through direct observation in the classroom and through learning video recordings, and interviews then analyzed using qualitative analysis. The study was conducted in grade IV Elementary School. Based on the results of the study, it was found that prospective elementary school teacher students planned learning using the syllabus as a reference then discussed with grade IV primary school teachers. In implementing the learning plan that has been prepared, prospective elementary school teacher students apply various learning methods to stimulate student involvement, use teaching aids and sample questions to represent fraction concept material, provide types of examples and assignments based on the number of materials and motivate students during learning. Thus, in addition to having knowledge of subject matter, prospective teacher students must also have pedagogical knowledge to teach the material.
