Penerapan Kemampuan Literasi Guru Terhadap Peningkatan Minat Membaca Siswa Kelas VI Di SDN Putat Kidul 01 Gondanglegi - Malang

  • Samsul Samsul SDN Putat Kidul 01 Malang
  • Nikmahtul Khoir Tri Yulia Khoir Tri Yulia Institut Agama Islam Al-Qolam Malang
  • Atik Sulfadiyah SDN 1 Gondanglegi Kulon Malang


The application of teacher literacy skills can change the pattern of children's understanding in providing broad knowledge through the development of the current era. The purpose of the study was to describe the application of teacher literacy skills to increase students' interest in reading and describe the increase in reading interest through class VI literacy. The research method used in action research requires three steps through procedures in the form of cycle I and cycle II. Action research methods include planning, action & observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques used in action research through observation techniques, structured interviews and unstructured interviews, performance, and documentation. The results of the study in the first cycle 28.19% and 88.46% the second cycle results in an increase in the average cycle I and cycle II 60.25%. based on the results of the study had a very significant increase in habituation through the introduction of achievement trees and reading corner areas in the classroom
