Analisis Pendidikan Karakter Peduli Sosial Pada Siswa Kelas IV Tema Indahnya Keberagaman Di Negeriku SDN Kebonsari 2 Malang

  • Erlina Tri Octavia Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


This research study aims to find out the character education of  social care  at  students grade IV theme of the beauty difersity in my country public elementary school Kebonsari 2 Malang. Three research posed related to the research objectives. This study used descriptive-qualitative approach which is the teacher and students grade IV and headmaster as the subjects. The data were collected by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques that be used data reduction, data display, and conclution. Researchers used triangulation techniques to obtain the validity of the data. Based on the results of this study, researcher inferred that the teachers had instilled the value of social care in public elementary school Kebonsari 2. The instillation include; (1) verbal way through motivation, advice, stories, reprimand, punishment, praise, and a non-verbal way through habituation behavior, exemplary; (2) strategies example, spontaneous reprimand, environmental conditioning, and routine activities have not been implemented properly and maximum; (3) schools using models combination with integrating value planting through lessons and outside the lessons. Based on the conclusions above, the researcher gives the following suggestions: (1) the teacher should multiply the giving of rewards in the form of gifts (such as candy), or other tangible rewards. Teachers should be consistent and firm in giving penalties; (2) teachers should be more consistent and more maximal in carrying out strategies for planting values of social care; (3) teachers should be more active and participatory involved in planning and implementing activities that grow and develop the value of social care. It would be nice if the teacher and school expand the integration of planting the value of social care through both learning and outside the lesson
