Pengaruh Model Scramble Berbantuan Media Audio Visual Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Tematik

  • Emirenciana Muti


Abstract: Learning in the classroom has not been implemented optimally because the teacher has not applied many innovative learning models and interesting learning media so that students do not understand the material and are passive when learning. This study aims to determine the effect of scramble learning model assisted by audio visual media on students' creative thinking skills in class IV thematic learning at SDN Kebonsari 2 Malang. This study uses a quantitative approach with the design of The None quivalent Group Design. Test instruments using validity, reliability. Analysis prerequisite test using normality, homogeneity test. Sampling uses a saturated sampling system. Students' creative thinking skills are obtained from observation, questionnaires and tests. Hypothesis test results obtained tcount (6,940)> ttable (0,396), it was concluded that there was an influence of scramble learning model assisted by audio visual media on students' creative thinking skills in class IV thematic learning at SDN Kebonsari 2 Malang. Keywords: Scramble, Audio visual, Creative thinking, thematic learning
