• Daniyatul Hurriyyah Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Arnelia Dwi Yasa Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Nurul Ain Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: E-Modul, Kahoot, Energy Saving And Alternatif Energy


The development of technology has become a necessity for the progress of the nation, especially in the world of education. The current weakness of education is evidenced by the lack of innovation in the teaching and learning process which results in decreased student learning outcomes. In learning activities, jar materials are needed that are in accordance with the needs of students to increase maximum learning outcomes. The aim of this research is to develop a feasible, practical, and effective kahoot-based CTL (contextual teaching and learning) e-module for energy-saving and alternative energy materials. This development research uses the ADDIE model with 5 stages consisting of analyze, design, development, implementation and evaluate. Product validation in this study by content experts, linguists, design experts. The product trial measured the response of the class VI teacher and 10 class VI students of SD Negeri Sukun 1 Malang City. Observational instruments, questionnaires, and documentation. Based on the results of validation by content experts, the average score was 73%, linguists got 96% and design experts got 93%. The results of the questionnaire from the teacher's response obtained 96% and students obtained 90% while the effectiveness results obtained 84. Thus, the kahoot-based CTL (contextual teaching and learning) e module is feasible, practical, and effective to be used as teaching materials and evaluation of learning in subjects IPA material on energy-saving and alternative energy for class VI SD Negeri Sukun 1 Malang City.


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