Analisis Kegiatan Kewirausahaan pada Muatan Pembelajaran IPS di SDN Sukoraharjo 03 Kecamatan Kepanjen
This study uses qualitative research using a naturalistic approach which aims to determine the implementation, obstacles and things that support entrepreneurial activities in social studies learning at SDN Sukoraharjo 03. Principals, fifth grade teachers, students and guardians of fifth grade students as research subjects. Methods of data collection using interviews and documentation. The data collection instrument used interviews with school principals, fifth grade teachers, students and parents of fifth grade students. Data analysis used data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Checking the validity of the data using the persistence of observation and peer checking. The results of research on entrepreneurship activities in social studies learning content show that the implementation of these activities was designed in advance by the teacher to run smoothly and the teacher invited students to the place of entrepreneurial activities. However, the obstacle to this activity is that some students do not understand this entrepreneurial activity and another obstacle is cost. This supports this activity, all school members and guardians of students take part in entrepreneurial activities
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