The Sustainable Development Goals explicitly aim to eradicate poverty and hunger, reduce inequality within and between countries, improve water and energy management, and take urgent steps to address climate change. The SDGs emphasize the importance of efforts to end poverty to be carried out together with strategic efforts to increase economic growth, implement social policy measures to meet various social needs (such as education, health, social protection, employment opportunities), and policy measures to address climate change and environmental protection.
At a high-level meeting at the UN headquarters in September 2015, 193 UN member states agreed to make the SDGs a framework for development agendas and political policies for the next 15 years from 2016 to 2030. Governments in each UN member country–rich, middle, and poor, both developed and developing countries–have the responsibility to implement the SDGs. The state is the party that has main responsibility in social and economic development, making national policies, determining development strategies, which are needed for the purpose of achieving sustainable development. The governments of all countries are expected to implement the political agenda and policies of national economic development, to increase prosperity and at the same time protect the planet earth.
Since Higher Education Institutions educate and train decision makers, they play a key role in building more sustainable societies and creating new paradigms. Thus, to promote the work of higher education and increase the number of universities committed to the SDGs, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (UNIKAMA), Indonesia will hold an international conference entitled Interdisciplinary Excellences for SDGs (IDE-SDGs).
This international conference aims to:
- Improve the quality and quantity of global indexed scientific publications.
- Facilitate discussion and collaboration between lecturers and experts from various disciplines and nationalities.
- Open opportunities for scientific publications in reputable journals, research collaboration between institutions across the globe, and further studies on SDGs.
- Conduct periodic international scientific meeting.
This year, the conference theme is Developing Higher Education Excellences for Supporting Sustainable Development Goals.
The subthemes comprise:
- Contribution of Education Excellences for SDGs;
- Contribution of Socio-humanistic Excellences for SDGs;
- Contribution of Science and Technology Excellences for SDGs.
Aim and Scope
Character Education;Education Issue & Policy;Education Technology & Curriculum;Multicultural Education;Social Science;Teaching & Learning;Education Assessment & Evaluation;Social Studies;Early Childhood Education;Elementary Education;Secondary Education;Higher Education;Geographical Education;Civics Education;Teacher Education & Teacher Professional Development;Guidance & ;Counseling;Microfinance;Islamic Banking;Small & Medium Business Enterprise;Entrepreneurship;Flexibility Management;Accounting & Ethic;Digital Marketing;Civil Law;Criminal Law;Constitutional Law;International Law;EFL/ESL;Language Education;Language & Literacy;Linguistics Studies;Literature Studies;Applied Linguistics;Mathematics;Physics;Computer Science;Material Science;Chemistry;Mechanical Engineering;Chemical Engineering;Civil Engineering;Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering;Material Engineering;Industry Engineering;Information EngineeringDate and Time
Wed, Oct 19, 2022
Previous Conference Publication
Atria Hotel Malang, Jl. Letjend S. Parman No.87 - 89, Purwantoro, Malang, East Java 65122
Here are our keynote speakers

Prof. Dr. C. Valli Nachiyar
Sathyabama University
OMR, Sholinganallur- India

Prof. Dr. Duran Corebima Aloysius, M.Pd
Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan

Assoc. Prof Dr. Kazi Sohag
Ural Federal University
Russian Federation.

Asst. Prof. Ts. Dr. Irina Safitri Zen
International Islamic University Malaysia
Important dates
Take notes on these important dates
Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission
Payment Deadline
Abstract Acceptance
Abstract Accepted
Fullpaper Submission
Fullpaper Submission
Conference Date
Conference Date
Event Location
fee for a single paper- non-refundable
- Seminar Kit
- Certificate
- Cultural Visit
International indexed proceeding
* Selected papers for Scopus indexed journal will be charged additional fee
- fee for a single paper
- non-refundable
- Seminar Kit
- Certificate
- Cultural Visit
- International indexed proceeding
* Selected papers for Scopus indexed journal will be charged additional fee
Kindly make the payment no later than July 26, 2022 Here is the payment details:
- Bank Name: Bank Central Asia, Branch Malang, Indonesia
- Account Number: 7880154341
- Account Holder: Maris Kurniawati
Scientific Committee:
- Prof. Dr. Duran Corebima Aloysius, M.Pd (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
- Prof. Laurens Kaluge, M.A., Ph.D (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
- Prof. Dr. Abdul Sjukur Ibrahim (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pieter Sahertian, M.Si (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Endi Sarwoko, M.M (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
- Assoc. Prof. Teguh Sulistyo, M.Pd (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
Organizing Committee :
- Chair - Umiati Jawas, Ph.D (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
- Secretary - Ayu Liskinasih, M.Pd (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
- Member - Dr. Maris Kurniawati, M.Kes., M.Si (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
- Member - Irma Tyasari, M.M., CA., CPA., CRA., Ph.D (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
- Member - Dr. Andri Fransiskus Gultom, M.Phil (Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang)
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you have any enquiry.
Jl. S. Supriadi, No. 48, Malang, East Java, Indonesia (65148)Phone
+6281357816431 (Farida Nur Kumala)
+6285646456050 (Ayu Liskinasih)