Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama 2024-03-19T08:26:12+00:00 Arief Rahman Hakim Open Journal Systems <p>Seminar Nasional Dan Prosiding PPG merupakan seminar yang diselenggarakan oleh program studi PPG FIP Unikama. Seminar ini diselenggarakan setiap tahun sejak tahun 2024.</p> IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING BERBASIS PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI PADA MATERI PEMANASAN GLOBAL GUNA MENINGKATKAN KREATIVITAS DAN HASIL BELAJAR FISIKA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS X-9 SMAN 6 KEDIRI 2024-03-19T08:26:02+00:00 Mahesti Zuli Alfianita Muhammad Nur Hudha Eni Sri Wahyuni <p>Education is a planned effort to create the atmosphere and learning activities of the students. <br>Education is always related to the process of learning and teaching, where the role of the teacher is the <br>most important factor in learning activities. One of the efforts that can make students active in the <br>learning process is by applying a problem-based learning model (PBL), this model can grow the spirit <br>of students in learning. This study was conducted in class X-9 SMAN 6, the choice of class to do this class <br>action research is because this class has a rate of attendance of less than 85% of students at the time of <br>initial observation. In addition, the activity of students at the time of learning activities in the classroom <br>is not in line with the expectations of the independent curriculum. Many people feel less interested in <br>physics lessons. In connection with this, to address the learning problems in SMAN 6 Kediri, the <br>researchers used the problem-based learning model (PBL) which is expected to increase the creativity <br>and learning outcomes of students in physical learning. The type of research used is class action research <br>(PTK). The results of the research were obtained as a result of increased creativity and learning results <br>of students starting the initial and final tests (pre-test and post-test) using the problem-based learning <br>model (PBL) on global warming material.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA MATERI KELILING BANGUN DATAR PADA TEMA 7 SUBTEMA 4 MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) PADA SISWA KELAS 3 SDN TANJUNGREJO 1 MALANG 2024-03-19T08:26:03+00:00 Mega Safitri Mentari Sudi Dul Aji Mochammad Ali Yasin <p>Numeration has a very important role. Numerals are often used in everyday life, for example <br>discounts, calculating distances, calculating speeds, circumference, area, and others. Based on the <br>results of observations and interviews on March 8 2023, students had difficulty working on problembased story questions, students had difficulty determining the circumference of the slanted side, students <br>did not use a ruler when measuring and students were not careful in calculating the circumference using <br>checkered paper. This study aims to describe the process of implementing the PBL learning model and <br>describe student learning outcomes after using the PBL learning model. This Classroom Action Research <br>uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Sources of data obtained from the results <br>of class III students at SDN Tanjungrejo 1, the results of interviews and tests. Data collection techniques <br>were carried out by observation, interviews and tests. The application of the PBL learning model can <br>improve the learning outcomes of grade 3 students on theme 7, sub-theme 4, material around a flat <br>shape. This can be seen from the research results from cycle 1 to cycle 3. In cycle 1 the average student <br>learning outcomes were 69.5 in the sufficient category and the percentage of student completeness was <br>55.1%. In cycle 2 the average student learning outcomes were 78.2 in the good category and the <br>percentage of student completeness was 68.9%. In cycle 3 the average student learning outcomes is 87.2 <br>with a good category and the percentage of student completeness is 86.2%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Model Project Bassed Learning (PjBL) Guna Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik 2024-03-19T08:26:05+00:00 Hafidz Notokusumo Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti Joni Prayitna <p>Education is one of the initiatives to improve the quality of human resources. Based on observations <br>carried out, it is known that there are still students who obtain learning results under the KKM and look <br>less enthusiastic in learning. How to improve the implementation of learning activities is by selecting <br>the correct model and media plajaran. The model used in this study is Project Based Learning. (PjBL). <br>In addition to learning models, the thing to pay attention to in learning is learning motivation. <br>Motivation is the impulse that exists in someone to do something in order to certain goal. The correct <br>application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model steps by teachers in learning will have a positive <br>impact on the learning motivation of students in learning. In the first cycle, the motivation score of the <br>students reached 65.9 with a predicate less, then increased in the second cycle to 71.4 with a sufficient <br>category. In the third cycle, the motivation score of the students increased by 77.2. In the fourth cycle, <br>the motivation score of the students reached 81.9 with good categories. In the last cycle, the motivation <br>score of the students rose to 85.1 with a good category.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MATERI PENGURANGAN BERSUSUN MELALUI MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING BERBANTUAN MEDIA PAPAN PENGURANGAN PADA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS 1 2024-03-19T08:26:06+00:00 Bella Rahma Damayanti Prihatin Sulistyowati Satinem <p>Based on field observations regarding the educational process in class 1A SDN Tanjungrejo 2 on <br>March 20-24 2023 on student learning activities, it is known that students still do not fully understand <br>tiered reserves. Students still cannot make withdrawals using a tiered method. Student participants still <br>perform withdrawal operations by hand. In addition, based on the results of evaluations that have been <br>carried out by class teachers, it was found that more than 50% of students still had not reached the KKM <br>in reducing material. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of class I students at SD Negeri <br>Tanjungrejo 2 Malang City. This research is a Collaborative Classroom Action Research (PTKK) between <br>Pre-service PPL PPG students and tutors. The model used is discovery learning. This research consists of <br>two cycles. The subjects and data subjects of this study were class I students at SD Negeri Tanjungrejo 2 <br>Malang City in the 2022/2023 Academic Year. The research variable is an increase in learning outcomes <br>using the discovery learning model assisted by reduction media. The results showed that the use of <br>discovery learning models assisted by subtraction media can improve student learning outcomes. In the <br>pre-cycle, the initial data obtained was that the average student score was 72. In cycle 1, the average <br>student learning outcomes became 76.4, then cycle 2 became 87.5. The conclusion in this study is that <br>the discovery learning model can improve the learning outcomes of class IA students at SD Negeri <br>Tanjungrejo 2 Malang City in the 2022/2023 academic year.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 UPAYA PENINGKATAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI PEMBUATAN SCRAPBOOK PADA MATERI IPAS DI KELAS 4A SDN BANDUNGREJOSARI 01 KOTA MALANG 2024-03-19T08:26:06+00:00 Septian Ari Kususa Lukitowati Siti Halimatus Sakdiyah <p>This research is motivated by the low learning motivation of students in the subject of <br>Integrated Science (IPAS). Based on observations, it is found that students do not enjoy classical <br>learning, and they tend to become more engaged when given tasks by the teacher. This observation is <br>supported by a survey given to 27 students, where 21 students stated that they do not like the <br>continuous use of problem-solving methods in learning. The research aims to describe efforts to <br>improve students' learning motivation through the creation of a scrapbook in the subject of Integrated <br>Science for Grade 4A at SDN Bandungrejosari 01. Data collection techniques include observation, <br>interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis. <br>The results indicate that the creation of a scrapbook can enhance students' learning motivation in <br>each cycle. In Cycle I, the results show that students' learning motivation is 84%. Meanwhile, in Cycle <br>II, there is an increase in learning motivation by 8.9%, reaching 92.9%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi IPAS “Bagaimana Memenuhi Kebutuhan Kita” melalui Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) Di Kelas IV SDN Tanjungrejo 1 2024-03-19T08:26:07+00:00 Linggar Yuly Mayaningtyas Sudi Dul Aji Lilik Nurmawati <p>The COVID-19 pandemic is a major disaster that affects all human activities, one of which <br>results in gaps in education. The background of this research problem is the low learning outcomes of <br>IPAS fourth grade students at SDN Tanjungrejo 1. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of <br>IPAS grade IV students by using the Think Pair Share (TPS) learning model. The type of research used <br>is descriptive qualitative Classroom Action Research (PTK). The results of this study indicate an <br>increase in the value of student learning outcomes with the criteria for achieving learning objectives <br>(KKTP) which is ≥66. This can be seen from the learning outcomes of students before the action, out of <br>27 students in class IV there were only 12 students who reached completeness with a percentage of <br>44%. Then the action in the first cycle became 17 students who reached KKTP with a percentage of <br>63%. In the second cycle the learning outcomes increased further, which reached KKTP 22 students <br>with a percentage of 81%. So it can be concluded that the use of the Think Pair Share (TPS) learning <br>model can improve the learning outcomes of grade IV IPAS at SDN Tanjungrejo 1</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Implementation of Bruner's Theory to Improve Understanding of the Concept of Numbers for Grade I Students at SDN 1 Kepanjen 2024-03-19T08:26:08+00:00 Sigit Wibowo Pujianah Arief Rahman Hakim Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita <p>Understanding the concept is a basic ability that must be possessed by students in <br>understanding mathematics. This study aims to determine the increase in elementary school students' <br>conceptual understanding after applying Bruner's theory in learning mathematics. This type of <br>research is Class Action Research. The research design used was developed by Kemmis and McTaggart <br>where each activity cycle consists of four components, namely planning, implementation of <br>action/treatment, observation, and reflection. The subjects in this study were 25 students of class IA <br>SD Negeri 1 Kepanjen. The research results show that the application of Bruner's learning theory can <br>activate students in learning. Improvement in understanding the ability of the concept occurs in each <br>cycle. At the beginning of the observation, the average number of concept understanding abilities of <br>students was 22.67%, then increased in cycle I by 44%, cycle II by 69.33%, and achieving expectations <br>in cycle III by 88%. The successful application of Bruner's learning theory is also evidenced by the <br>increased mastery of student learning outcomes. At the beginning of the cycle, only 28% of students <br>passed, then increased in cycle I by 48% of students, cycle II by 72% of students, and achieving <br>expectations in cycle III by 92%. Thus, the implementation of Bruner's theory can improve <br>understanding of the concept of numbers in learning mathematics. s learning theory is also evidenced <br>by the increased mastery of student learning outcomes. At the beginning of the cycle, only 28% of <br>students passed, then increased in cycle I by 48% of students, cycle II by 72% of students, and <br>achieving expectations in cycle III by 92%. Thus, the implementation of Bruner's theory can improve <br>understanding of the concept of numbers in learning mathematics. s learning theory is also evidenced <br>by the increased mastery of student learning outcomes. At the beginning of the cycle, only 28% of <br>students passed, then increased in cycle I by 48% of students, cycle II by 72% of students, and <br>achieving expectations in cycle III by 92%. Thus, the implementation of Bruner's theory can improve <br>understanding of the concept of numbers in learning mathematics.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Materi Siklus Air Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Aplikasi Reaktif Education Pada Siswa Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar 2024-03-19T08:26:09+00:00 Dinda Marta Pramestiana Dyah Triwahyuningtyas Yayuk Hinaning Utami <p>This research was motivated by the finding of low learning outcomes in science subject water <br>cycle material for class V at SD Negeri Sukun 1. The purpose of this research was to find out the <br>application of Problem Based Learning with the help of Reactive Education application media in order <br>to improve student learning outcomes for class V. Type the research used was Collaborative PTK with <br>26 students as research subjects. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, tests and <br>documentation. This research is said to be successful if fifth grade students can achieve success <br>indicators of ≥75%, where this research was carried out using 3 cycles, where each cycle experienced <br>an increase. In cycle 1 it shows that there is a percentage of learning completeness as much as 34% or <br>9 out of 26 students who can achieve KKM this shows that in cycle 1 it has not been completed, while <br>the results of observations on student activities and teacher performance reach a good category with <br>percentages of 70% and 80% . In cycle 2 there was an increase in learning completeness by 57% or 15 <br>out of 26 students and had not yet reached the completeness indicator, but in the observations of <br>students and teachers there had been an increase of 77% and 82% of the research cycle was carried <br>out again because learning outcomes had not reached the achievement of the completeness indicator . <br>In cycle 3 student learning outcomes have achieved classical mastery of 82% or 21 out of 26 students <br>who meet the KKM as well as an increase in student and teacher observation results of 82% and 90%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V UPT SD Negeri Balerejo 01 melalui Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) 2024-03-19T08:26:10+00:00 Sanidatul ‘Asiroh Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti Supatmi <p>This research was conducted due to the low level of students' motivation in the subject of Mathematics. <br>This is attributed to the teachers not utilizing teaching models that can motivate and engage students. The <br>teaching method used at that time was mainly individual-based, with explanations given on the <br>blackboard. The aim of this research was to describe the use of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a <br>teaching model to enhance students' motivation in the subject of Mathematics, specifically focusing on <br>data presentation. This study employed a classroom action research (CAR) approach, consisting of three <br>cycles, with each cycle comprising two sessions. The research subjects were fifth-grade students at UPT <br>SD Negeri Balerejo 01, Wlingi District, in the academic year 2022/2023, totaling 19 students. Data <br>collection techniques employed in this research included observation, questionnaires, documentation, <br>and tests. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that students' motivation in the first cycle <br>reached 52.63% with a high criteria. Subsequently, there was an improvement to 68.42% in the second <br>cycle, still with a high criteria, and further increased to 78.95% in the third cycle, categorized as very high. <br>Therefore, it can be inferred that the utilization of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a teaching model can <br>enhance students' motivation in the subject of Mathematics, particularly in the fifth-grade class at UPT SD <br>Negeri Balerejo 01, Wlingi District</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Upaya Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar dan Hasil Belajar Melalui Pembelajaran Paradigma Baru Pada Siswa Kelas X3 SMAN 5 Taruna Brawijaya Jawa Timur 2024-03-19T08:26:10+00:00 Amalia Fitriani Sulistyo Cahya Wulan Prabasari <p>This research aims to be able to assist students in increasing the activity and learning outcomes <br>of students through new paradigm learning activities. This research is a Classroom Action Reasearch <br>(PTK) which is carried out through 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of several stages including the planning <br>stage, the implementation stage, the observation stage and the reflection stage. The subjects of this <br>study were students of class X3 at SMAN Taruna Brawijaya, East Java, with a total 0f 34 students. The <br>main data collection technique is carried out by observation techniques, while the supporting <br>techniques are through interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques using descriptive <br>statistical analysis techniques and descriptive qualitative. The results of the research show that New <br>Paradigm Learning can help increase the activeness and learning outcomes of students. New Paradigm <br>Learning Activities are student-centered learning activities. Through this learning, teachers or <br>educators can use various appropriate learning models or methods according to the needs and <br>characteristics of students freely, creatively and innovatively.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Penerapan Model Discovery Learning untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Pancasila Kelas 4 SD 2024-03-19T08:26:11+00:00 Mohammad Arif Alfan Hadi Sri Rahayu Yanna Purwitaningsih <p>This study aims to increase the motivation and learning outcomes of students by using the <br>Discovery Learning learning model. This type of research is Collaborative Classroom Action Research <br>which consists of 3 cycles with four stages: planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The <br>research subjects were 28 class 4A students at SDN Bakalan Krajan I Malang City with a total of 28 class <br>4A students consisting of 13 male students and 15 female students. The results showed that the <br>percentage of learning motivation increased from cycle I to cycle III. The percentage of increased <br>learning motivation of students in cycle I was 78%, cycle II increased to 82%, while in cycle III increased <br>to 84%. The learning outcomes of the first cycle obtained an average of 70.7, the second cycle averaged <br>77.4 learning outcomes, and the third cycle averaged 83.5 learning outcomes. Based on the results of <br>the study it can be concluded that learning using the Discovery Learning Model can increase motivation <br>and cognitive learning outcomes of students. This is evidenced by the increase of each cycle.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MATERI PECAHAN TEMA 7 MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PBL DENGAN BANTUAN MEDIA KONKRET PADA SISWA KELAS 2 SDN TANJUNGREJO 1 KOTA MALANG 2024-03-19T08:26:11+00:00 Krisma Cahyaningrum Sudi Dul Aji Mochammad Ali Yasin <p>This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of theme 7 fraction material using the PBL <br>model with the help of concrete media in grade 2 students at SDN Tanjungrejo 1 Malang City. This type <br>of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) using a qualitative approach. The model used is the <br>Kemmis and Mc Taggart models which are carried out in 3 cycles. The research subjects were 24 grade <br>2 students at SDN Tanjungrejo 1 Malang City for the 2022/2023 academic year. Research data obtained <br>from interviews, tests, and field notes. The research data was processed using qualitative data analysis <br>techniques and learning outcomes were processed in the form of a percentage of classical learning <br>completeness. The results showed that at the pre-cycle stage the classical learning mastery (CBC) was <br>41.6%. After being given action, in the first cycle the CBC was obtained by 62.5%. In cycle II, the CBC <br>increased to 70.8% and in cycle III it increased to 87.5%. The data shows an increase in CBC from each <br>cycle, which means an increase in class 2 student learning outcomes at SDN Tanjungrejo 1 Malang City <br>in theme 7 fractional material which is taught using the PBL model with the help of concrete media.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR TEMA 7 SISWA KELAS III SEKOLAH DASAR 2024-02-13T08:50:22+00:00 Angga Ridwan Alhabsyi Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita Fajar Siswantoro <p>This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of class III students at SD Negeri 1 Sukorejo <br>by applying the PBL learning model. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) using the <br>Kemmis and McTaggart models which consists of four stages, namely planning, implementing, <br>observing, and reflecting. This research consists of two cycles. The subjects and data subjects in this <br>study were class III students of SD Negeri 1 Sukorejo for the 2022/2023 academic year. The research <br>variable is an increase in learning outcomes using the Problem Based Learning model. The results of <br>this study indicate that using the Problem Based Learning model can improve student learning <br>outcomes. In the pre-cycle, the initial data obtained was that the average grade III score was 55.29 with <br>a completeness percentage of 35%, cycle 1 became 74.79 and the percentage was 80%. Then made <br>improvements in cycle 2 to 84.41 with a percentage of 91%. The conclusion in this study is that the PBL <br>learning model can improve the learning outcomes of class III students at SD Negeri 1 Sukorejo for the <br>2022/2023 academic year.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Keliling Bangun Datar Melalui Media Geoboard di Kelas IV A SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang 2024-02-13T08:58:09+00:00 Habibah Ria Ansori Triwahyudianto Aulina Maghfiroh <p>Pre-cycle results in class IV A SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang City showed low mathematics learning <br>outcomes obtained by an average class of 57.98 with a percentage of 51.85%. Based on these problems, <br>research was carried out using Classroom Action Research (CAR) aimed at increasing learning <br>outcomes around flat shapes through geoboard media in class IV A SDN Bandungjerejosari 3 Malang<br>City. The research subjects totaled 27 students. Each cycle is held 2 meetings. Data collection techniques <br>using test questions, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative <br>and descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the use of geoboard media on the material around <br>a flat shape can improve learning outcomes. This is indicated by the class average in cycle I, namely <br>73.15 with a completeness percentage of 70.37%, an increase of 14.82% in cycle II, an average score of <br>78.33 was obtained with a completeness percentage of 85.19%. In addition, from the results of observing <br>the activities of students using geoboard media it is very helpful in implementing learning and the <br>atmosphere is more enjoyable. This was shown by the activity of students in cycle I reaching a <br>percentage of 72.57% and cycle II reaching 80.57% in the good category. Thus a recommendation can <br>be put forward that learning Mathematics with geoboard media can improve the results of learning <br>around flat shapes in class IV A students at SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang City.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Media Konkrit untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Materi Perpindahan Panas Pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T09:02:24+00:00 Agustina Miftachul Ulfa Dyah Triwahyuningtyas Yayuk Hinaning Utami <p>There is a problem in the learning process in a fifth-grade classroom in one of the schools in the city of <br>Malang. The obstacle in the science learning lies in the topic of heat transfer. This is due to the low <br>enthusiasm of students in learning, and the implementation of teaching has not utilized varied models, <br>leading to a decrease in students' interest and cognitive learning outcomes falling below the minimum <br>passing grade. This research is designed as a Classroom Action Research with 27 students from Grade V <br>at SD Negeri Sukun 1 as the subjects. The Classroom Action Research consists of four stages: planning, <br>implementation, observation, and reflection. The research data indicates that the students' cognitive <br>learning outcomes improved in each meeting, with average scores of 73, 79.2, and 89.5 during cycles I, <br>II, and III. There is an overall improvement of 16.5 from cycle I to cycle III. Similarly, there is an <br>improvement in the Comprehensive Competency Assessment (CCA). CCA scores were 37% in cycle I, <br>59.2% in cycle II, and 100% in cycle III. This means that every student who learns meets the minimum <br>passing grade criteria in the third cycle, successfully achieving the minimum competency standard. <br>Therefore, it can be concluded that the learning outcomes of fifth-grade students can be enhanced by <br>implementing the problem-based learning model with the assistance of concrete media.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Kemampuan Memahami Bacaan dengan Metode SQ3R Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T09:06:06+00:00 Novia Hariyani Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti Asmah Mawadati <p>Grade IV students at SDN Gondang have difficulties in summarizing narrative texts in <br>Indonesian. Of the 31 students there were 9 students or 29% who achieved a completeness score of 75. <br>This shows that as many as 21 students or 71% of students were still not finished. One alternative <br>problem solving that can be done by the teacher is to apply the SQ3R strategy. This research was <br>carried out using a qualitative approach with the type of Classroom Action Research (CAR). This <br>research was conducted in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of several stages, namely: planning, <br>implementing, observing, and reflecting. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, <br>tests, and documentation. The steps of data analysis, namely: data collection, data reduction, and <br>drawing conclusions. The results of the research showed that the average percentage of students' <br>activity during the reading process of SQ3R cycle I was 78% and cycle II was 89%. While the average <br>value of the completeness of the reading process in the first cycle is 57% and 90% in the second cycle. <br>Based on these results it can be concluded that the implementation of the SQ3R strategy in learning <br>Indonesian has been carried out properly.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN LITERASI MEMBACA MELALUI MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING 2024-02-13T09:09:20+00:00 Kiara Chlisty Titik Sumiati Prihatin Sulistyowati <p>Based on field observations regarding the educational process in grade 1C of SDN <br>Tanjungrejo 2 on March 20-24, 2023 on student learning activities, it was found that some <br>students still cannot read fluently. Students still cannot combine one letter with another. This <br>study aims to improve the learning outcomes of IC class students of SD Negeri Tanjungrejo 2 <br>Malang City in Indonesian language lessons reading and writing elements. This research is a <br>Collaborative Classroom Action Research between Pre-service PPG PPL students and pamong <br>teachers. The model used is discovery learning assisted by flashcard learning media. The study <br>consisted of two cycles. The subjects and data of this study are students of the IC class of SD <br>Negeri Tanjungrejo 2 Malang City for the 2022/2023 Academic Year. The research variable <br>was an increase in learning outcomes using a discovery learning model assisted by flashcard <br>media. The results showed that the use of discovery learning models assisted by flashcard <br>media can improve student learning outcomes. In the pre-cycle, the average initial data <br>obtained by students was 72. In cycle 1, the average learning outcomes of students became <br>76.4 then cycle 2 became 87.5. The conclusion in this study is that the discovery learning <br>model assisted by flashcard media can improve the learning outcomes of IC class students of <br>SD Negeri Tanjungrejo 2 Malang City for the 2022/2023 school year.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENERAPAN MODELPEMBELAJARAN TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENT (TGT) BERBANTUAN RODA PUTAR PADA PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELAJAR SISWA KELAS 4 SD NEGERI 1 PANDANAJENG 2024-02-13T09:11:51+00:00 Riska Nia Amalia Yulianti Li'amah <p>Along with the times, learning is required to be creative and innovative so that it can create <br>interesting and relevant learning experiences for students. One important aspect of learning is student <br>interest. The Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning model with the help of a rotating wheel is a <br>solution to increase student interest in learning. This type of research is a collaborative Classroom <br>Action Research (PTK) with a total of two cycles. Data collection used is observation and questionnaire. <br>Based on the results of classroom action research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that: 1) <br>the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning model assisted by a rotating wheel can increase students' <br>interest in learning thematic learning in grade 4 SD Negeri 1 Pandanajeng; 2) an increase in student <br>interest in learning occurs in each cycle; 3) in cycle 1, the increase in interest in learning according to <br>observation results was 68.20% and questionnaire results were 76.30%, then increased in cycle 2 <br>according to observation results of 87.13% and a questionnaire of 91.13%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penerapan Model STAD(Student Team Achievement Division) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Kelas I Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T09:14:59+00:00 Indi Rika Almafilia Prihatin Sulistyowati Titik Sumiati <p>Based on the results of interviews with class teachers and observations made in Class I-B <br>SDN Tanjungrejo 2 when learning Gotong Royong material, it was found that their abilities were very <br>different, some students had a good cognitive level, and others had difficulty understanding <br>sentences, thus impacting the results low learning. , if it is related to the existing problems, the <br>Student Team Achievement Division cooperative learning model is appropriate to use. With this model <br>students will be grouped heterogeneously, with high, medium, and low abilities. Students with high <br>abilities are expected to be able to help other members in understanding the material. To improve <br>student learning outcomes through the application of the STAD type cooperative learning model, <br>Classroom Action Research (PTK) was conducted at SDN Tanjungrejo 2. This research was conducted <br>in semester 2 Class IB in 2 cycles. The average value of students during pre-cycle was 70. After cycle <br>1, the average score was 79.81 with 59.23% completeness, then the average increased to 88.89 with <br>92.58% completeness. From the results of this class action research it can be concluded that the <br>Student Team Achievement Division model in Class I learning can improve students' understanding <br>and learning outcomes through good interaction and cooperation.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Materi Lingkungan Rumahku Dengan Menggunakan Media Papan Kartu Kata (PARUT) Bagi Peserta Didik Kelas 1 2024-02-13T09:19:24+00:00 Muhammad Pramudya Briliawan Triwahyudianto Farida Hariani <p>The results of observations in class I SDN Bandungrejosari 3 found problems: First, students' <br>understanding of home environment material was still low. Second, teachers have difficulty teaching <br>home environment material. The limitations of learning media and the methods used cause students to <br>have difficulty understanding the material. Third, the use of less attractive learning media is a factor <br>causing low learning outcomes. This study aims to: (1) describe the use of word card board media in <br>class I students, (2) describe the learning outcomes obtained through the use of word card board <br>learning media in class I students. The research used a qualitative approach with a class action research <br>type (PTK). There are two cycles in this study, each cycle consisting of: (1) Planning, (2) Implementation, <br>(3) Observation, and (4) Reflection. The research was conducted with the subject of Class I students as <br>many as 28 students, consisting of 15 boys and 13 girls. Methods of data collection in this study using <br>observation, interviews, and documentation. Learning using word card board media has a significant <br>impact on student learning outcomes. The learning outcomes in the first cycle using the word card board <br>learning media reached an average of 73. The increase occurred in the second cycle reaching an average<br>of 85. Overall the level of success in using the word card board media was in the good category.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Tegak Bersambung Melalui Metode Struktural Analitik Sintesis (SAS) Berbantuan Media PARIS (Papan Bergaris) 2024-02-13T09:22:42+00:00 Mila Rahmawati Yulianti Endang Susilowati <p>Cursive writing skills in low grades need to be emphasized to students, so that students can <br>write the beginning correctly, so that students' cursive writing can be read easily. Cursive writing skills <br>of class III students at SDN Bumiayu 04 can be said to be still low. Students still do not understand the <br>method or technique of writing cursive letters so that there are many mistakes in writing. In addition, <br>learning conducted by teachers still uses conventional methods. This study aims to improve cursive <br>writing skills through the SAS (Synthetic Structural Analytical) method assisted by PARIS (Striped <br>Board) media in class III students. The type of research used is classroom action research, where each <br>cycle consists of the stages of preparing action plans, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. <br>This research was conducted in 2 cycles. Based on the results of the pre-cycle, an average value of 62.26 <br>was obtained with a completeness percentage of 26.08%. After the first cycle was carried out, the results <br>obtained an average value of 73.21 with a completeness percentage of 60.86%. In cycle II, an average <br>value of 78.91 was obtained with a completeness percentage of 78.26%. The percentage of completeness <br>in cycle II has met the learning completeness limit. These results indicate that the use of the SAS method <br>with the help of PARIS media can improve the cursive writing skills of class III students of SDN Bumiayu <br>04 Malang.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS IV MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN STAD BERBASIS PROBLEM SOLVING TERINTEGRASI KUIS DIGITAL INTERAKTIF 2024-02-13T09:26:03+00:00 Riska Mey Damayanti Nurul Ain Siti Fatimah <p>This research is motivated by the low mathematics learning outcomes of students in the matter <br>of expressing mathematical sentences and calculating natural numbers. This study aims to describe the <br>application of the STAD-based learning modelproblem solving integrated interactive digital quizzes and <br>increased student learning outcomes in the material of stating mathematical sentences and calculating <br>natural numbers. This research was conducted at SDN Gogodeso 2, Blitar Regency, with the research <br>subjects being fourth grade students. The research was conducted in two cycles with each cycle <br>consisting of two meetings. The cycle in the research consists of four activities, namely action planning, <br>action implementation, observation, and reflection in each cycle. This study uses a qualitative approach. <br>Research data obtained through test and non-test instruments. The process of data analysis in this study <br>includes the process of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on research, <br>student learning outcomes have increased. In the pre-action stage, an average value of 65,38 was <br>obtained. In cycle I, the average value of students increased to 72,30. Then, in cycle II it increased again <br>to 82,30.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS IV MELALUI MODEL TREFFINGER BERBASIS MEDIA INTERAKTIF 2024-02-13T09:28:54+00:00 Muhammad Abyan Naufal Latief Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita Ratna Prastiwi <p>This research is motivated by the low mathematics learning outcomes of students in the <br>material of mathematical sentences and natural number calculations. This study aims to describe the <br>implementation and improvement of student learning outcomes in the material of mathematical <br>sentences and natural number calculations through the use of learning modelsTreffinger based on <br>interactive media. This research was conducted at UPT SD Negeri Duren 01, Blitar Regency with class <br>IV students as research subjects. The research was conducted in 2 cycles with each cycle consisting of 2 <br>meetings. The research cycle consisted of 4 activities, namely action planning, action implementation, <br>observation and reflection in each cycle. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach. The <br>research data was obtained through test and non-test instruments. The process of data analysis in this <br>study includes the process of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on <br>research, student learning outcomes have increased. In the pre-action stage, an average score of 63 was <br>obtained. In cycle I, the average score of students increased to 66. Then, in cycle II, it increased again to <br>81.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Media Pembelajaran “Kotak Beranak” pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Pokok Bahasan Balok dan Kubus pada Siswa Kelas IVB SDN Bandungrejosari 1 Kota Malang Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023 2024-02-13T09:31:34+00:00 Famela Anjar Uswati Siti Halimatus Sakdiyah Lukitowati <p>This study departs from the problems, namely (1) learning is dominated by the teacher so that <br>students feel bored quickly and quickly lose concentration, (2) the media is less interesting. The purpose <br>of this classroom action research is the benefits of using child-bearing media to improve the learning <br>outcomes of fourth grade students in the Mathematics subject of blocks and cubes. This study used a <br>qualitative approach with a class action research design (CAR) conducted in two cycles. Data collection <br>was carried out by conduction cognitive diagnostic tests to determine the level of understanding of <br>students and non-cognitive diagnostic tests to determine student learning styles. The results of the study <br>showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes by using children’s media boxes in mathematics <br>subjects with blocks and cubes material. The percentage of the target achievement of knowledge is 72%, <br>attitude is 84%, and skills with mutual cooperation indicators have increased, namely 6% from cycle I <br>to 86%. Indicators of the ability to ask and answer questions have increased, namely 4% from the first <br>cycle of 86%. The indicator is also the ability to respect the opinions of others, namely 8% of the first <br>cycle 88%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penerapan Model Project Based Learning Berbantuan Media Komik Digital Untuk Meningkatkan Kreatifitas Siswa Kelas IV di SDN Sukomoro Kediri 2024-02-13T09:34:37+00:00 Priska Auliawati Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita Sriatun <p>This research is motivated by the low creativity of students in thematic subjects. Based on the <br>results of observations made to 27 students, there were 9 students belonging to the good category in <br>terms of creativity. The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the Project Based <br>Learning model assisted by digital comic media to increase the creativity of fourth grade students at <br>SDN Sukomoro on thematic subjects theme 8. This research is a type of classroom action research (PTK) <br>with the model developed by Kemmis and Mc . Taggart. This research consisted of two cycles where <br>there were two meetings for each cycle. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and <br>reflection stages. Sources of data were obtained from teachers and students through observation, <br>interviews and document review. Data analysis techniques using quantitative and qualitative <br>descriptive analysis. The results showed an increase in student creativity which was shown in the precycle 33.33%, increased in cycle I to 68.18% and in cycle II increased to 81.48%. So it can be concluded <br>that classroom action research with the Project Based Learning model assisted by digital comic media <br>can be said to be successfully applied to increase the creativity of fourth grade students at SDN <br>Sukomoro in theme 8 thematic subjects.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penggunaan Media Cerita Bergambar untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Tema 7 Subtema 4 Pembelajaran 4 Siswa Kelas 2 Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T09:37:44+00:00 Rif’Atul Zuhria I Ketut Suastika Christiana Andriana Amin Rahayu <p>Thematic learning is a learning program that is composed of one particular theme or topic <br>and then reviewed from various perspectives of the subject matter commonly used in learning at <br>school. The success of implementing thematic learning can be reviewed using reports on student <br>learning outcomes, where in these reports information can be obtained on improving student learning <br>outcomes. Based on these descriptions, this study aims to improve thematic learning outcomes by <br>using picture story in grade 2 elementary school students. This type of research was classroom action <br>research conducted in two cycles, with a research design using the Discovery Learning model with 26 <br>grade 2 students as research subjects. The data collection techniques used were (1) pretest, (2) <br>observation, and (3) documentation. Data analysis techniques used qualitative methods with <br>indicators of success using the class average of 75 and the percentage of completeness reaching 80%. <br>Based on the research, student learning outcomes in the pre-cycle the students who complete 12<br>students, students who do not complete 14 with a percentage of classical completeness 46%. In the <br>first cycle using picture story the percentage of student learning outcomes obtained 64%, in the <br>second cycle the percentage of student completeness 80%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Pancasila Melalui Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dengan Metode Role Playing Pada Peserta Didik Kelas I Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T09:41:15+00:00 Afis Zulaikah Rahutami Lilis Zumaidah <p>Based on the results of initial observations made on grade I<br>st UPT SDN Gandekan 02 students, <br>problems were found related to low student learning outcomes. This is caused by the use of the lecture <br>method only during learning. In addition, learning does not involve students to be active, this causes <br>students to become less motivated to take part in learning. From these problems, problem based <br>learning (PBL) was applied with the role playing method in Pancasila Education subjects to improve <br>student learning outcomes. The application of PBL with the role playing method leads students into fun <br>learning, involves students being active and has an impact on improving student learning outcomes. The <br>method used for this research is PTK. This study consisted of two cycles with a specified target of 85%. <br>The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes, in the first cycle the percentage was <br>63.63%, and 90.90% in the second cycle. So, the application of PBL with the role playing method can <br>improve student learning outcomes</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Peserta Didik SD dengan Media Gambar Berseri 2024-02-13T09:44:13+00:00 Dalin Nadhifatuzzahro Arnelia Dwi Yasa Thathit Indriyati P. S. <p>Speaking skills are important for students because speaking is one of the basic communication <br>skills needed in everyday life. Students who lack speaking skills will have difficulty conveying their <br>thoughts, opinions or emotions clearly and effectively to others. This research is a Collaborative <br>Classroom Action Research. The data collected is a test of speaking skills before and after learning by <br>using serial picture media. Data were analyzed by calculating the scores obtained by students. Next, the <br>gain value is calculated to determine the increase in students' speaking skills. There was an increase in <br>the speaking skills of students in class IV-B at Kasin State Elementary School, Malang City for the <br>2022/2023 school year by using serial picture media. The improvement in speaking skills of students in <br>class IV-B at SD Negeri Kasin Malang City was shown by an N-Gain score of 0.24 with low criteria in <br>Cycle I and an N-Gain score in Cycle II of 0.32 with moderate criteria.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berbantu Media Papan Roda Baca 2024-02-13T09:49:38+00:00 Futikhatus Shoffi Rahutami Lilis Zunaidah <p>Reading skill is one of the scopes in learning Indonesian language. An ability to sound a <br>symbol which is then emphasized by understanding the meaning so that new information is obtained. <br>Observations made at SDN Gandekan 02 showed that there were obstacles in improving the reading <br>skills of grade 1 elementary school students. Obstacles faced due to students' difficulties in recognizing <br>and memorizing the sound of letters. So that the application of effective learning media can be used as <br>a solution. Based on the background of these problems, this study aims to describe the steps and <br>results of applying the reading wheel board media in improving the reading skills of 1st grade <br>students. This study uses a Classroom Action Research (PTK) approach with two cycles in four work <br>procedures, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research instruments used were <br>observation sheets and learning achievement tests. Through data collection techniques in the form of <br>interviews, direct observation and giving tests, analysis was carried out by observing the actions taken <br>by researchers. The results showed that 91% of the class had achieved classical learning mastery. So,<br>with reference to the success criteria, the application of reading wheel board media in this study <br>succeeded in improving students' reading skills.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penggunaan Media “Fruit Basket” untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas I Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T09:52:37+00:00 Radinas Putri Ayuning Firdaus I Ketut Suastika Desi Hermawati <p>This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of IB class students at SDN Percobaan 2 <br>Malang in the mathematics subject matter of addition and subtraction. This type of research is <br>Classroom Action Research conducted in two cycles. The research design used the Discovery Learning <br>model with 28 students in IB class as the research subjects. Data collection techniques using 1) <br>diagnostic assessment, 2) observation and 3) documentation. Data analysis techniques using <br>quantitative and qualitative methods. Criteria for Achievement of Learning Objectives (KKTP) <br>mathematics is 71 and 80% completeness. The results showed that learning mathematics using the <br>media "Fruit Basket" can improve understanding and learning outcomes of IB class students at SDN <br>Percobaan 2 Malang. The learning outcomes in the pre-cycle were as many as 7 (25%) students who <br>completed, while 21 (75%) students did not complete. In cycle I using the media "Fruit Basket" the <br>learning outcomes of students decreased to 11% or only 3 students who completed. In cycle II, student <br>learning outcomes rose to 88.9% or as many as 24 students completed.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA KELAS IV MELALUI MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING BERBANTUAN PAPAN PEDES (PECAHAN DESIMAL) 2024-02-13T09:56:06+00:00 Laila Dian Fitriani Dyah Triwahyuningtyas Yayuk Hinaning Utami <p>This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in decimal numbers using the Discovery <br>Learning learning model assisted by PeDes board media in class IV SD Negeri 1 Sukun, Malang City. The <br>type of research used is classroom action research. The research procedure uses 2 cycles in which each <br>cycle consists of 4 steps, including: planning, implementing, observing/observing, and reflecting. The <br>subjects of this study were all fourth grade students at SD Negeri Sukun 1, a total of 27 students in one <br>class. This study showed an increase in the learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD Negeri <br>Sukun 1 as indicated by changes in learning outcomes in cycle I, namely 54% of students achieving <br>mastery of learning outcomes, while in cycle II there was an increase of 85% of students have achieved <br>learning mastery.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Piktogram dan Diagram Batang pada Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T10:07:35+00:00 Fadhylatul Istiqomah I Ketut Suastika Desi Hermawati <p>This research is motivated by the learning outcomes of students in Class IV-B of SDN <br>Percobaan 02 Kota Malang in mathematics, specifically the topic of pictograms and bar graphs, <br>which are perceived to be less than optimal. The purpose of this study is to improve the learning <br>outcomes in mathematics, specifically the topic of pictograms and bar graphs, by using the <br>problem-based learning (PBL) model. This research is classified as a classroom action research <br>conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of one meeting. Each cycle consists of four <br>stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were <br>students in Class IV-B of SDN Percobaan 2 Kota Malang, comprising 28 students, 15 female <br>students and 13 male students. The results of the study showed an improvement from Cycle I to <br>Cycle II. The observation results of the planning stage in Cycle I, with an average of 92, <br>increased to 95, both of which were categorized as grade A. The observation results of the <br>implementation of the learning process and teacher activities in Cycle I, with averages of 93 and <br>90, increased to 95 and 94, respectively, both falling into grade A. Meanwhile, the students' <br>learning outcomes in terms of attitude, cognition, and skills all improved from Cycle I to Cycle II. <br>The learning outcomes in terms of attitude increased from an average of 91 to 98, the learning <br>outcomes in terms of knowledge increased from 65 to 85, and the learning outcomes in terms of <br>skills increased from 81 to 96. Thus, it can be concluded that the problem-based learning (PBL) <br>model can improve students' learning outcomes in mathematics, specifically the topic of <br>pictograms and bar graphs, in Class IV-B of SDN Percobaan 2 Kota Malang.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK KELAS II SEKOLAH DASAR MELALUI TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENT BERBANTUAN ULAR TANGGA “GOTIC” (Games On Thematic) 2024-02-13T10:14:37+00:00 A'an Novita Rizky Yulianti Anita Supriati Mutmainnah Nurul Hasanah <p>This research is motivated by a lack of children's motivation in teaching and learning activities, <br>to overcome this motivation problem it is necessary to have an action that aims to increase learning <br>motivation for Class II-B SD Negeri Gadang 4 in 2022/2023 using the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) <br>learning method assisted by Snake media “Gothic” staircase. The research subjects who were subjected <br>to the action were Class II-B students with a total of 28 students, the subject of the action was students. <br>Methods of data collection using observation and interviews, data analysis techniques used by using <br>classroom action research techniques. The results of the pre-cycle research showed that the average <br>result of student motivation was 37%, while in the first cycle the percentage was 57.4% and it increased <br>again to 82.4% in the second cycle. Thus it can be concluded that the use of the Teams Games <br>Tournament model assisted by the "Gotic" Snake and Ladders can increase student motivation in the <br>matter of measuring the weight of objects in Class II-B students at SDN Gadang 4.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN KEAKTIFAN BELAJAR SISWA MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PJBL BERBANTUAN GAME INTERAKTIF PADA MATERI JARING-JARING BANGUN RUANG KELAS V SDN TERTEK 1 KABUPATEN KEDIRI 2024-02-13T10:18:13+00:00 Danang Pralahardo Sri Lestari Farida Nur Kumala <p>Based on observations in class V at SDN Tertek 1 and interviews with the teacher in charge of <br>the class, the researchers obtained data from 24 students in the class, only 4 of them seemed active <br>during the learning process. That the quality of student activity in learning is still not optimal, it can be <br>seen from the process of teaching and learning activities, some students only listen without any more <br>active response and some tend to be busy not following the learning process properly. The method used <br>in this research is classroom action research, intended to obtain information about the effectiveness of <br>the Project Based Learning model for increasing student learning activity. The goal to be achieved in <br>this classroom action research is to find out the effectiveness of the Project Based Learning model <br>assisted by interactive games in increasing the learning activity of fifth grade students in semester 2 of <br>SDN Tertek 1 in the 2022/2023 academic year. Data collection methods are carried out by observation, <br>interviews, and documentation methods. The results obtained show that the use of the Project Based <br>Learning model assisted by interactive games in increasing the activeness of student learning goes well <br>with improvements in each cycle and can achieve the research success criteria. In the first cycle students <br>are immediately given or given a way of learning with the Project Based Learning model, namely by <br>having students set a project to work on in groups with interactive game competitions and the project <br>will later become a student product in the learning. After the application of the Project Based Learning <br>model in the cycle using mathematics subjects, students had not fully reached the completeness criteria <br>with a score of 75. In the improvement in the 2nd cycle the Project Based Learning model was running <br>effectively. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and tests. The results of the <br>pre-cycle research showed that the average result of student activity was 41.53%, while in the first cycle <br>the percentage was 60.91% and it increased by 82.89% in the second cycle. Thus it can be concluded <br>that the use of the Project Based Learning model assisted by interactive games can increase the <br>activeness of student learning in the mathematical content of geometric nets.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar PKn Kelas 4 Berbasis Kelas Ramah Anak 2024-02-13T10:23:47+00:00 Dian Merry Sayekti Rahutami Ratna Sari Wijayanti <p>This research is a classroom action research. The data of this research are qualitative and <br>quantitative. The data source for this research is data from classes and data from students. Data <br>collection was carried out using observation techniques, filling out questionnaires, interviews and <br>tests. Furthermore, the data was analyzed by calculating the classical frequency. The results showed <br>that there was an increase in motivation due to the creation of a child-friendly environment or class in <br>the learning process. Based on data analysis there was an increase in learning outcomes by 10%. The <br>results of the research reflect the importance of understanding and creating child-friendly classes in <br>the learning process. Therefore, teachers need to facilitate a child-friendly learning process.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa pada Materi Pengukuran Luas Kelas 4 SD Menggunakan Model Discovery Learning Terintegrasi TARL (Teaching At The Right Level) 2024-02-13T10:26:24+00:00 Crysdiana Widyawati Nurul Ain <p>Learning activities that are still teacher-centered, make students passive, and have an effect <br>on low student understanding and cognitive learning outcomes. Therefore, innovation is needed in <br>learning. One way to strive for student-centered learning and increase student understanding is the <br>application of the TaRL integrated discovery learning model. The purpose of this study was to improve <br>students' cognitive learning outcomes in area measurement material through the application of the <br>TaRL integrated discovery learning model. The type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), <br>which consists of two cycles of 24 grade 4 students. Each cycle consists of thirt stages, namely 1) <br>planning, 2) implementation and observation, and 3) reflection. Data collection techniques using <br>interviews, observation sheets and tests. The results of the study were that the application of the TaRL <br>integrated discovery learning model to class 4 area measurement material succeeded in increasing <br>students' cognitive learning outcomes in each cycle. In cycle 1 there was an increase in classical <br>learning outcomes to 73.68% while in cycle 2 it became 100%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Alternatif Pembelajaran Fisika Materi Rambatan Kalor untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Numerasi Siswa SMA 2024-02-13T10:28:54+00:00 Mujtahidatul Ilmi Fajriyah <p>The learning deficit due to Covid-19 become visible when learning returned to offline <br>learning. The differences in the abilities of students affected by the pandemic are teachers’ tasks to <br>guide students back to the correct concept. No exception in learning physics, the low numeracy <br>literacy of students is the cause of students' difficulties in learning physics. In this case, students have <br>difficulty connecting physics concepts to mathematical solutions. Hence the researcher tries to design <br>learning alternatives to improve students' numeracy literacy skills on heat transfer material in class X. <br>This research is a class action research carried out by adapting the Stringer model which contains the <br>stages of plan, implement, and evaluate in each look cycle. , think, and act. The results of this study <br>were that the students' learning completeness was 61% in cycle 1 and 69% in cycle 2 with numeracy <br>literacy competence students are in the proficient category of 60%, the proficient category is 23%, the <br>basic category is 14%, and the category requiring special intervention is 3%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR IPAS MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING PADA SISWA KELAS IV B SDN TANJUNGREJO 2 KOTA MALANG 2024-02-13T10:32:34+00:00 Bahrul Ulum Al Bahari Prihatin Sulistyowati Penny Cahyani <p>Education is a process of developing one's potential through teaching and learning and <br>training to prepare individuals for the future. Education is an important asset for future human <br>development. Through education, a person can improve their quality of life. The use and selection of <br>effective and efficient learning models must be balanced with the creativity of the teacher on how to <br>improve the quality of learning that can be seen through student learning outcomes. Therefore, the <br>selection of innovative learning models is very important, one of which is the problem-based learning <br>model. The purpose of this study was to improve learning outcomes by using a problem-based learning <br>model. This type of research is a collaborative PTK consisting of 2 cycles with 28 students as <br>respondents. The research results of cycle 1 showed classical learning outcomes of 64% with 18 <br>students completed and had an average of 73. Cycle 2 showed an increase in classical learning <br>outcomes of 89% with 25 students completed and an average of 80. This shows that the application of <br>problem-based learning models can improve student learning outcomes.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS Materi Kebudayaan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) Berbantuan Media Pembelajaran Monopoli pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T10:35:49+00:00 Umi Laras Dwi Noviani Dyah Triwahyuningtyas Yayuk Hinaning Utami <p>Based on the problems that occurred in the IVC class at SDN Sukun 1 Malang City in <br>the form of students who were less interested in learning social studies material, especially in <br>cultural material because there was so much reading material and it had an effect on <br>student learning outcomes. So that from these problems, research on improving social studies <br>learning outcomes on cultural material uses the Problem based Learning (PBL) learning <br>model assisted by monopoly learning media. This research method uses a Classroom Action <br>Research design. The subjects of this study were IVC class at SDN Sukun 1 Malang City total <br>of 27 students. The model used is Kemmis and Mc Taggart models which are carried out in 3 <br>cycles. The data analysis technique used is quantitative and qualitative data. From the <br>results of this study it can be seen that student learning outcomes increased from 37% in the <br>pre-cycle and cycle I to 51.8% then in cycle II it increased to 74.1% then in cycle III it <br>increased to 88.9%. Thus it can be concluded that the application of monopoly learning <br>media to cultural material can improve student learning outcomes in class IVC SDN Sukun 1 <br>Malang City.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) The Use of Word Clap Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary 2024-02-13T10:38:04+00:00 Catarina Dwi Wijayanti <p>Teaching English vocabulary to Junior High School should be more interesting and joyful. <br>Teachers can use a strategy in teaching vocabulary in order to attract students’ attention and interest. <br>The objectives of this study are to find out whether “Word Clap Game” can be used as strategy in <br>teaching vocabulary at the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Kepanjen and to find out whether the <br>use of “Word Clap Game” can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary is the one of the <br>English components which has to be mastered and acquired by students in learning English as a <br>foreign language. In this study, I used Word Clap Game as a strategy for teaching vocabulary in <br>Announcement and Short Message topic to the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Kepanjen. An action <br>research was conducted in this study. The subjects of this study were 31 eighth grade students of <br>SMPN 4 Kepanjen in the academic year 2022/2023. The writer got the data from observation, test <br>and interview. According to the analyses, on the previous test on Recount topic when the teacher <br>hasn’t given the treatment the mean is 71.2, while after the treatment the mean is 79.8. Therefore, <br>the students’ vocabulary mastery is improved by 8.6.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) untuk meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik 2024-02-13T10:49:53+00:00 Dwi Agustin Sudi Dul Aji Lilik Nurmawati <p>Based on interviews and observations conducted at SDN Tanjugrejo 1, it was found that the <br>students' daily test scores were categorized as low, and their level of learning achievement was also <br>poor. The purpose of this research is to enhance the learning outcomes of 5th grade students in the <br>Science, specifically on the Water Cycle, by implementing the problem-based learning model. This study <br>adopts a Classroom Action Research (CAR) approach and is divided into two cycles, each consisting of <br>planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data were collected through post-learning <br>evaluation tests. The improvement in learning outcomes was determined by comparing the average test <br>scores and the level of learning achievement before and after the implementation There is an <br>improvement in the learning outcomes of the 5th grade students. The average pre-intervention test <br>score was 61.03, which increased to 71.72 in the first cycle and 81.03 in the second cycle. The percentage <br>of students achieving the learning target increased from 52% before the research to 69% in the first <br>cycle and 89% in the second cycle. There is, several recommendations from this activity: These include <br>maintaining good classroom management, effectively guiding the investigations, and selecting <br>engaging problem scenarios for the activities.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Konteks Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Numerasi Peserta Didik Pada Materi Statistika Kelas 4 2024-02-13T10:52:22+00:00 Leny Fryda Noviana <p>The Classroom Action Research (CAR) that has been carried out aims to describe the increase <br>in numeracy literacy of fourth-grade students through context-based learning on statistical material <br>for fourth-grade students at SDN Sumberbendo 1. The type of this research is Class Action Research, <br>which consists of two cycles which in each cycle consists of two meetings with 20 respondents. The <br>method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. Research data obtained from the results of <br>observations and tests. The results of the research show that the applied context-based learning is quite <br>effective in increasing the literacy skills of grade 4 students in statistics material in each cycle. The <br>students' numeracy literacy ability was seen from the results of the tests carried out, in the pre-cycle the <br>students' classical learning mastery was 10%, in Cycle I meeting 1 the students' classical learning <br>mastery was 40%, in the first cycle meeting 2 the classical learning mastery was 50%. In the second <br>cycle of meeting 1 the students' classical learning mastery was 75%, in the second cycle of learning 2 <br>the students' classical learning mastery rose to 80%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Matematika Melalui Penerapan Langkah Polya dalam Model Problem Based Learning 2024-02-13T10:55:18+00:00 Intan Pandini Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nit Sri Riwayatiningsih <p>Students at UPT SD Negeri Babadan 01 Wlingi District, Blitar Regency have difficulty working <br>on math word problems, but if they are given questions with numbers they can do them. One of the <br>influencing factors is the difficulty of changing the verbal sentence in the problem into a mathematical <br>model and the ability to understand word problems. The purpose of this research is to improve the <br>ability to solve math word problems through the application of Polya steps in the Problem Based <br>Learning Model. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR). The design of this study <br>refers to the class action research (PTK) design of Kemmis and Mc. Taggart namely (1) planning, (2) <br>implementing actions, (3) observation and (4) reflection. This research was conducted in two cycles. <br>The results of this study indicate that the application of Polya's steps in the Problem Based Learning <br>model can improve students' ability to solve math word problems. The 4 steps of Polya are: (1) <br>understanding the problem, (2) making a plan, (3) carrying out the plan, (4) re-examining the process <br>and the results obtained. The results showed that there was an increase in the ability to solve math <br>word problems seen from the LKPD cycle 1 by 53% and in cycle 2 it became 90%</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Jigsaw Model (A Classroom Action Research at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 6 Malang) 2024-02-13T10:58:11+00:00 Aurelinda Meraonda Corissa Ichwan Helami Agus Sholeh <p>The lack of reading skills amongs Indonesian students still become the main concern in this <br>modern era. Meanwhile in learning English, students at least should be able to read and get the idea of <br>the an kind of text they will read. It is corresponding with how the activities in the English class should <br>support the students reading comprehension in purpose to gain their skill in learning English too. <br>Hence, this research objective is to prove the effectiveness of jigsaw model in enhancing students’ <br>reading comprehension. The research participants were the students of X-3 located in SMAN 6 <br>Malang. The method used in this study was classroom action research (CAR) supported by pre and <br>post-test question along with the observation during the process of teaching and learning. The results <br>of this research showed that the use of jigsaw model learning is effective to improve and enhance <br>students’ reading comprehension by seeing the score of the test. The jigsaw model also made the <br>students more enganged each other in discussing the material and the learned topic in the classroom. <br>Students were more excited and enthusiast to discussed with their friend and it made them easier to <br>understand the context of the text completely by teamwork.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Using Tiktok to Improve Students’ Enthusiasm and Activeness: A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 8 Malang in the Academic Year of 2022/2023 2024-02-13T11:00:38+00:00 Novanda Yusufa Tasrikha Ikawati Teguh Sulistyo <p>The development of technology certainly affects the world of education. By adding the <br>technology knowledge integrated with pedagogy and content, it can improve teachers’ skills in <br>implementing teaching with technology. Nowadays, there are many kinds of technology that can be <br>utilized in learning activities. However, not all of these technological innovations are suitable for <br>students. Therefore, in this study researcher investigate the use of TikTok as an effective strategy to <br>improve students’ enthusiasm and activeness in English learning. This study is a Classroom Action <br>Research that was done in two cycles. The subject of this study were students of XI MIPA 2 of SMAN 8 <br>Malang, which consist of 18 females and 13 males. Data collection had been done using observation, <br>interview and questionnaire. To analyze the data, descriptive analysis was conducted to present the <br>results in the form of descriptive explanation. The result of research showed that by using TikTok as <br>learning media could significantly improve students’ enthusiasm and activeness in English learning.<br>The advantage of the TikTok application is supported by its use daily life, and suitable with the <br>character of students this day who like to express themselves.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) MODEL PjBL BERBANTUAN MEDIA PAPAN SIMETRI LIPAT DAN PUTAR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA TENTANG SIMETRI LIPAT DAN PUTAR BANGUN DATAR DI KELAS III SDN 1 BEDALI 2024-02-13T11:03:16+00:00 Tamaella Sudi Dul Aji Zahrotul Fauziyah <p>Mathematics learning is often considered a difficult subject and seems unpleasant to student. <br>This is supported by the facts in the field that student difficulties occur because learning mathematics <br>mostly memoriez formulas and the lack of use of concrete learning media in the application of <br>learning, especially in folding and rotating symmetry materials. This research alms to explain the <br>application of PjBL model assisted media folding and rotating symmetry also improving learning <br>outcames in mathematics on folding and rotating symmetry materials. The type in this research is <br>PTK-K with spiral cycle model from Kemmis and Taggart. The results stated that the implementation <br>of the PjBL model asisted media folding and rotating symmetry could be carried out well as evidenced <br>by an increase in student activity from 54,5% in cycle 1 to 87,9% at stage cycle 2. The model PjBL can <br>also improve student learning outcomes as evidenced by the average result student learning in cycle 1 <br>65,15 increased to 83,8 in cycle 2.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) IMPROVING SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH SONG REVIEW OF THE ELEVENTH GRADERS 2024-02-13T11:07:00+00:00 Ramy Zahra Syahdini Umi Tursini Tasrikha Ikawati <p>Song base learning can gain the ability of English skills of students. Then, speaking is the <br>most difficult skill that affects the activeness of the students. Moreover, based on the prelimary study, <br>there are just several students that advance in speaking skill/presentation. Most of all the students in <br>eleven science 1 class are average. So, the writer is interested to improve their speaking skill. Thus, the <br>writer is interested to research the improvement of speaking skill through song review of the eleventh <br>graders. By this article, the writer hopes that this article can answer the research question about how <br>song review can improve speaking skill? This article use action research study. The stucture of the <br>research about this action research study was adapted from Kemmis and McTaggart. This theory <br>focuses on describing the improvement of speaking skill through song review of the eleventh graders <br>in SMAN 8 Malang. Based on the students’ score and the reflection of the students, the action research <br>is successfully implemented in cycle 2, this assessment of speaking shows that 100% of students have <br>the improvement of speaking score.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) GAMIFICATION IN THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM: AN ACTION RESEARCH TO DETERMINE ITS IMPACT ON STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT 2024-02-13T11:09:47+00:00 Rika Vindy Arinda Amalya Tasrikha Ikawati Teguh Sulistyo <p>Gamification learning increases student engagement through interactive games. The research <br>object is to determine whether the gamification gives an impact on students’ engagemengt or not. The <br>subject of study is the eleven-grade science 2, SMA Negeri 8 Malang. Further, the total of research <br>subject is 31 students. The time of research was implemented during the last March-April 2023. The <br>stage of action, observation, and reflection was applied in middle April 2023. The research was <br>conducted by using Classroom Action Research that collaborated with the English teacher. Two cycles <br>were applied because the first cycle did not reach the criteria of success, which is about the students <br>are engaged and motivated, and approximately 75% of them participate in the teaching learning by <br>attending class and raising their hand, joining games, completing games, and participating and being <br>active in discussion. Based on the findings, ClassPoint that applied on Cycle II can engage more <br>students because more than 75% students wanted to explore all the options because it was very <br>challenging. Those platforms also do not required students to install or sign up. Due to the use of <br>gamification, the students felt encourage and motivated due to the competition in winning the game.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Materi Siklus Air Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Aplikasi Reaktif Education Pada Siswa Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T12:34:26+00:00 Aliffah Kurnia A. <p>This research was motivated by the finding of low learning outcomes in science subject water cycle <br>material for class V at SD Negeri Sukun 1. The purpose of this research was to find out the application <br>of Problem Based Learning with the help of Reactive Education application media in order to improve <br>student learning outcomes for class V. Type the research used was Collaborative PTK with 26 students <br>as research subjects. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, tests and documentation. <br>This research is said to be successful if fifth grade students can achieve success indicators of ≥75%, <br>where this research was carried out using 3 cycles, where each cycle experienced an increase. In cycle <br>1 it shows that there is a percentage of learning completeness as much as 34% or 9 out of 26 students <br>who can achieve KKM this shows that in cycle 1 it has not been completed, while the results of <br>observations on student activities and teacher performance reach a good category with percentages of <br>70% and 80% . In cycle 2 there was an increase in learning completeness by 57% or 15 out of 26 <br>students and had not yet reached the completeness indicator, but in the observations of students and <br>teachers there had been an increase of 77% and 82% of the research cycle was carried out again <br>because learning outcomes had not reached the achievement of the completeness indicator . In cycle 3 <br>student learning outcomes have achieved classical mastery of 82% or 21 out of 26 students who meet <br>the KKM as well as an increase in student and teacher observation results of 82% and 90%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Optimalisasi Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan Kelas X SMA Negeri 3 Blitar 2024-02-13T12:37:53+00:00 Rinda Alfiana Muhammad Nur Hudha Sulistyo Lestari <p>This study aims to analyze the application of the Problem Based Learning model to improve <br>the learning outcomes of students in class X-6 SMAN 3 Blitar. This research is a type of Classroom <br>Action Research which has stages of planning, implementing action, observation, evaluation, and <br>reflection. The data collection technique in this study was in the form of tests on environmental <br>pollution material. The test instrument used in this study was a multiple choice cognitive test to <br>determine student learning outcomes. The data obtained in this study are in the form of qualitative <br>and quantitative data with average analysis techniques. Based on the research results in the pre-cycle, <br>the learning mastery data was 70.6% with the class average of 79, in the first cycle the learning <br>mastery data was 88.20% with the class average of 86, and in the second cycle the learning mastery <br>data was 100 % with the class average of 91. From these data it can be seen that the learning <br>outcomes of students have increased in each cycle. This research does not apply cycle III because in <br>cycle II all students achieve mastery learning. From these results it can be concluded that the <br>implementation of the Problem Based Learning model can improve student learning outcomes on <br>environmental pollution material.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Kombinasi Model Problem Based Learning dan Media PANDA (Papan Data) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika SD 2024-02-13T12:43:30+00:00 Miftakhun Nikmah Dyah Triwahyuningtyas Yayuk H. Utami <p>The research was conducted based on the low learning outcomes of fifth grade students who <br>achieved completeness of 59.25% with an average of 70.11, which was due to a lack of motivation to <br>learn, learning activities that did not yet show the problem-solving process, which was the background <br>for students to learn the material, as well as learning that did not utilize concrete media that can <br>involve students in learning to collect and present data. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) using PANDA <br>media (Data Board) is expected to increase student learning outcomes. This research is classroom <br>action research by implementing 3 cycles according to the Kemmis and Taggart spiral model, which <br>consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting stages. Data obtained from interviews, <br>observations, tests, and documentation Data analysis was performed through qualitative and <br>quantitative methods. The research is said to be successful if the percentage of learning <br>implementation, the average KKB achievement, and the percentage of classical achievement reach 80. <br>The results showed that the percentage of learning implementation in cycle I was 85.65%, cycle II was <br>93.75%, and cycle III was 94.31%. The average achievement of KKB cycle I reached 70.73, cycle II <br>reached 79.25, and cycle III reached 84.25. The percentage of classical achievement in cycle I was <br>59.25%, cycle II was 70.37, and cycle III was 81.48%. From these results, it can be concluded that the <br>combination of PBL models and PANDA media can improve mathematics learning outcomes in the <br>collection and presentation of data for 5th grade elementary school.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) The Use of Jigsaw Technique to Improve Reading Comprehension of Seventh Grade Students Based Digital Text Description 2024-02-13T12:46:36+00:00 Armila Putri Agustina Endang Srihayati Teguh Sulistyo <p>This study deals with the use of jigsaw technique in improving students’ reading <br>comprehension in the seventh grade of Junior High School Plosoklaten 1, Kediri 2022/2023. <br>Based on the results of initial observations, grade 7 students experienced difficulties in <br>learning English, especially their ability to read and understand the contents of short texts. <br>Students tend to be passive and less enthusiastic about participating in learning, because it <br>is less interesting and not varied. To overcome this problem, an innovative learning model <br>is needed that can attract students' attention to take part in learning actively and <br>enthusiastically. The learning model in question is Jigsaw. The jigsaw learning model is part <br>of an effort to improve the learning situation and process in the classroom. This learning <br>technique pays attention to several aspects including; the formation of discussion groups, <br>the determination of members in one group, the number of students who represent as expert <br>groups, and evaluation methods to assess the effectiveness of discussions and efforts to <br>improve students' reading skills. This study uses classroom action research consisting of <br>four stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The research was carried <br>out in 1 cycle and consisted of 2 meetings. The research subject is student class 7B SMPN 1 <br>Plosoklaten consisting of 36 students. The results of this study indicate that the application <br>of the Jigsaw learning model with digital text media can improve the ability to understand <br>the content of short English readings. In addition, students become more active and <br>enthusiastic in participating in class learning.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MEDIA KAPI (KARTU PINTAR) TERHADAP AKTIVITAS DAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS IV DI SDN TANJUNGREJO 2 2024-02-13T12:49:56+00:00 Rio Dandy Samudra Prihatin Sulistyowati Penny Cahyani <p>This classroom action research was motivated by the low activity and learning outcomes of <br>class IV students on science material. The selection of media, models, and methods that are less varied <br>results in decreased student enthusiasm, resulting in low student learning outcomes. To overcome this <br>problem, there is a need for innovation in the development of learning media. One of them is through <br>the use of smart card media (KAPI) which is the result of the development of researchers from UNO <br>cards. This research is a classroom action research (PTK) which consists of two cycles. Each cycle <br>consists of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subjects of this <br>study were students of class IV-B at SDN Tanjungrejo 2 Malang City for the 2022/2023 school year, a <br>total of 28 students. The type of data used is in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. The <br>research results obtained are in the form of non-test and test results. Non-test result data is data from <br>observations of student learning activities. The test result data is the data obtained from evaluation <br>tests and formative tests. Indicators of success include student learning activities ≥ 75% and the average <br>value of learning outcomes ≥ 63 with classical learning mastery ≥ 75%. The acquisition of student <br>learning activity scores during the learning process in cycle I reached 75.14%, increasing in cycle II to <br>86.59%. The average value of evaluation test results in cycle I reached 75.48, increased in cycle II to <br>76.15. With an increase in classical learning mastery from 72% to 88%. It can be concluded that the use <br>of Smart Card media (KAPI) can increase activity and learning outcomes of science material in class IV <br>students at SDN Tanjungrejo 2 Malang City.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Operasi Hitung Bilangan Desimal Menggunakan Block Dienes Pada Kelas IVA SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang 2024-02-13T12:53:28+00:00 Agustina Putri Amelia Triwahyudianto Aulina Maghfiroh <p>This research is based on the low learning outcomes of mathematics, especially on the <br>arithmetic of decimals in class IVA at SDN Bandungrejosari 3 in the academic year 2022/2023. In the <br>initial observation, the learning outcomes of students showed an average value of 48 with the <br>proportion of students who achieved criteria only 25.93%. The aims of the research are (1) to describe <br>efforts to improve the learning outcomes of decimal arithmetic for class IVA students at SDN <br>Bandungrejosari 3 using the Dienes Block, (2) to improve the learning outcomes of decimal arithmetic <br>for class IVA students at SDN Bandungrejosari 3 using the Dienes Block demonstration tool. This <br>research method is Classroom Action Research by Kemmis and Mc Taggart with four stages of <br>research: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subject of this study was class <br>IVA with a total of 27 students consisting of 17 boys and 10 girls. The research was conducted in two <br>cycles with each cycle having two meetings. Data collection techniques were obtained from the results <br>of tests and observations. The results showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes in cycle <br>I to 65.61 with a percentage of achievement of criteria of 66.67%, and in cycle II it increased to 76.42 <br>with a percentage of achievement of criteria of 81.48%. This process shows that learning to count <br>decimal arithmetic using Dienes Block can improve learning outcomes.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SD Melalui Pendekatan Teaching at the Right Level 2024-02-13T12:58:03+00:00 Eva Surya Widyawati Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita Anis Sugiarti <p>The problem in this study is the low learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SDN <br>Sukorejo 2, Kediri Regency. The formulation of the problem posed is whether using the problem-based <br>learning model with a teaching at the right level approach can improve student learning outcomes in <br>thematic subjects of natural science content in class IV SDN Sukorejo 2, Kediri Regency. This type of <br>research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which is carried out in 2 cycles using the Kemis and <br>McTaggart model research design. The stages in this study include planning, action, observation, and <br>reflection. The subjects of this study were 38 grade IV students at SDN Sukorejo 2, Kediri Regency. The <br>results of the cycle I action test obtained an average value of 74.8. In cycle II the action test results <br>increased. Cycle II obtained an average value of 86.3. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that <br>using the problem-based learning model with a teaching at the right level approach can improve <br>student learning outcomes in the thematic subjects of Natural Science content, force and motion in <br>class IV SDN Sukorejo 2, Kediri Regency.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK KELAS 4 SEKOLAH DASAR PADA MATERI LUAS DAN KELILING PERSEGI PANJANG MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) 2024-02-13T13:01:23+00:00 Novi Dwi Arianti Farida Nur Kumala Sri Lestari <p>This study aims to describe the process of improving the learning outcomes of fourth-grade <br>students in the topic of area and perimeter of a rectangle using the problem-based learning (PBL) <br>model. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles, following the Kemmis <br>and Taggart model. The results of the study show that the problem-based learning (PBL) model can <br>improve the learning outcomes of fourth-grade students in the topic of area and perimeter of a <br>rectangle. This is evidenced by the post-test scores of the students at the end of each cycle. The <br>increase in the average percentage of students who achieved learning mastery in Cycle 1 increased <br>by 49% from 23% in the pre-cycle to 72%. Meanwhile, the average percentage of students in Cycle 2 <br>increased by 11% from 72% in Cycle 1 to 83%. These results indicate the achievement of the research <br>success indicators. Therefore, it is proven that the implementation of the problem-based learning <br>(PBL) model can improve the learning outcomes of fourth-grade students in the topic of area and <br>perimeter of a rectangle.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penggunaan Media Gambar Seri Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menceritakan Kembali Dongeng Di Kelas 2 SD 2024-02-13T13:04:14+00:00 Uhfi Nurike Sri Rahayu Farida Nur Kumala <p>This research aims to improve storytelling skills using picture series media on fable story <br>material for the second graders students of SD Negeri Tertek 1. This research is a Classroom Action <br>Research (PTK). This research uses the Kemmis and Mc. Taggart models. This research was carried out <br>in 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of 2 meetings. The data collection method used is a storytelling test. <br>The results obtained from this research indicate that serial picture media is effective in improving <br>students' storytelling skills on fables. In the pre-cycle the average value of storytelling skills was 49.9, <br>there was an increase in cycle 1 meeting 1 which was 63.3 and in cycle 1 meeting 2 which was 70.9. <br>The increase also occurred in cycle 2 meeting 1, it is 75.1 and meeting 2, it is 78.8. The percentage of <br>students who had reached the Minimum Mastery Criteria skill of storytelling also experienced an <br>increase in pre-cycle, it is 27.8%, an increase in cycle 1 meeting 1, it is 50% and meeting 2, it is 55.5%. <br>The increase in the percentage of students who achieved Minimum Mastery Criteria also increased in <br>cycle 2 meetings 1 and 2 by 72.2% and 83.3%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) UPAYA PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR KOGNITIF DAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK MELALU MODEL PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERY LEARNING DENGAN BANTUAN LIVE WORKSHEET PADA PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA 2024-02-13T13:08:28+00:00 Dita Fitrin Nurilyasari Sulistyorini Chandra Sundaygara <p>Kurikulum Merdeka is one of the educational transformations that has the characteristics of student <br>centered learning. The success of learning is measured by the involvement of students to become <br>independent learners. In fact, learning in the class shows that teachers are more active in class. Physics <br>is one of the subjects that is considered less interesting, difficult and has no effect on life. Therefore, the <br>application of the Discovery Learning model assisted by Live Worksheet is carried out to improve <br>cognitive of learning achievement and learning motivation in physics. The type of research used is <br>collaborative of classroom action research. The research subjects were class XI MIPA 4 at SMA Negeri <br>6 Malang in the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic year with three learning cycles in three <br>months. Each cycle consists of four stages that are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The <br>results showed that the application of the Discovery Learning model assisted by Live Worksheet can <br>improve cognitive of learning achievement and student’s motivation in physics learning.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Strategi Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa 2024-02-13T13:14:39+00:00 Tantri Nur Aini Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita Anis Sugiarti <p>Less optimal student learning outcomes in the water cycle material because teachers have not <br>been able to accommodate different student learning needs, such as learning readiness, interests, and <br>student learning styles. The purpose of this research is to find out the increase in grade 5 students' <br>learning outcomes on the water cycle theme 8 (Our Friend's Environment) through the application of <br>a differentiated learning strategy. This research uses a type of classroom action research (PTK) which <br>consists of the stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection adopted from Kemmis &amp; Taggart <br>(1998). This research was carried out at SDN Sukorejo 2, Kediri Regency with research subjects in <br>grade 5 as many as 33 students. The results of this study were that in pre-cycle learning there were 11 <br>(33.33%) students who completed, and 22 (66.66%) students who did not complete with an average <br>score of 67.81. Then in cycle I there was an increase of 19 (57.57%) students who completed, and 14 <br>(42.42%) students who did not complete with an average score of 77.12. Furthermore, in cycle II, <br>students who complete their learning outcomes have reached 100% with an average score of 87.9. <br>This study shows that the application of a differentiated learning strategy can improve the learning <br>outcomes of grade 5 students in the water cycle theme 8 (Our Friendly Environment).</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Berbantuan Gambar Kartun Seri Berbasis Flip-Book untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Narasi 2024-02-13T13:19:34+00:00 Dewi Quratul A'yun Arnelia Dwi Yasa Anis Raudhatul Maghfiroh <p>The low writing skills of students in writing lessons are due to boring and uninteresting <br>learning experiences. Therefore, innovation is needed to increase students' enthusiasm in writing <br>lessons and improve their skills. One possible innovation is to implement an enjoyable learning model <br>using innovative media. This research aims to enhance narrative writing skills of students in grade IVA of SDN Bareng 2 by applying the problem-based learning model with the assistance of a flip-bookbased cartoon series. The study employs collaborative classroom action research with two learning <br>cycles involving 20 students. Data collection includes observation and tests, and the data are analyzed <br>using descriptive quantitative analysis. The research findings indicate that the implementation of the <br>problem-based learning model with the assistance of a flip-book-based cartoon series successfully <br>enhances students' narrative writing skills in each learning cycle. In the first cycle, there was a 55% <br>increase in the classical mastery percentage, while in the second cycle, the mastery percentage <br>improved to 90%. Thus, the implementation of this learning model contributes positively to enhancing <br>students' writing skills.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Pengukuran Menggunakan Benda Konkret (Berbasis Pendekatan RME) Pada Siswa Kelas 1 SD 2024-02-13T13:23:02+00:00 Mela Wati Hannatur Rosyidah Rahutami <p>The general objective of this classroom action research is to develop students' abilities to <br>actively participate in mathematics learning between students and teachers, by using realistic <br>approach techniques to improve students' mathematics results or achievement. Using realistic <br>techniques, this classroom action research was conducted over two time periods. Planning, activities, <br>observation, and reflective analysis form four phases in each cycle. To discuss a series of work, and the <br>final test of the cycle each student gathers with other group members. The results of classroom action <br>research are: (1) student achievement has increased compared to before; (2) cycle I only had 72.42% <br>willingness to learn; and (3) cycle II needs corrective action. Based on the observation results of the <br>second cycle, it increased to 96.55%. According to this research, learning mathematics will be more <br>effective if students take a realistic approach to each subject matter, so teachers are advised to make a <br>practical approach to subject matter in each lesson.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran IPS di kelas V SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang 2024-02-13T13:26:03+00:00 Yulivia Dianti Triwahyudianto Watini <p>Research on the application of the STAD type cooperative learning model to improve student <br>learning outcomes in social studies subjects in class V SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang has been <br>completed. This research was carried out through Classroom Action Research using a research design <br>that refers to the Kemmis and Mc. Taggart which is done in two or three cycles. The subjects in this <br>study were 27 students of class V at SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang. The type of data obtained is the <br>activities of teachers and students in class and student learning outcomes. Data on the activities of <br>teachers and students in learning activities were obtained by observation sheets and data on learning <br>outcomes were obtained by testing student learning outcomes. The results showed that student <br>activity experienced a significant increase from cycle I to cycle II to cycle III. The results of the action <br>also increased student learning outcomes classically by 9%, from 72.3% in cycle I to 81.5% in cycle II. <br>Then it increased 10% from 81.5% in cycle II to 91.5% in cycle III. Based on these results it can be <br>concluded that the STAD type cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes in <br>class V SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang on social studies subjects.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) MODEL PEMBELAJARAN Think-Pair-Share UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA 2024-02-13T13:29:59+00:00 Ahmat Taufik Ramadona Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti Anik Sri Rahayu <p>This research is motivated by the learning outcomes of students in mathematics class IV <br>UPT SD Negeri Bendo 01 which are still low. Because in the lesson it is only teacher-centered so that <br>students do not participate actively and the learning atmosphere is not pleasant, students look lazy in <br>taking lessons. This study aims to describe the effect of using the think pair share learning model on <br>student learning outcomes in grade IV elementary school mathematics. This type of research is <br>collaborative PTK which consists of 3 cycles with 24 students as respondents. The pre-cycle research <br>results show that the classical learning outcomes are 42% with 10 students completing. Cycle I showed <br>63% classical learning outcomes with 15 students completing. While the second cycle showed 83% <br>learning outcomes with 20 students completing. This states that there is a significant increase in each <br>cycle so that it can be concluded that the application of the think pair share learning model in learning <br>mathematics can improve student learning outcomes.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Keterampilan Kolaboarsi dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Media Video Pada Materi Alat Pembayaran Non Tunai 2024-02-13T13:34:04+00:00 Dea Syfa Nuraydah Lilik Sri Hariani Very Yulena Widjiastuti <p>Learning in the 21st century not only emphasizes cognitive aspects, but also must equip <br>students with the skills needed to become a competent and competitive generation. Skills in the 21st <br>century include: critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, culture and connectivity. <br>Collaboration skills are one of the important, collaborative peer interactions that will trigger more <br>student engagement with cognitive and meta-cognitive peer interactions. The aim of this research is to <br>implement a problem-based learning model with video media to improve collaboration skills and <br>student learning outcomes. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which consists of <br>four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection which are carried out in two cycles. <br>Research data shows that there is an increase in collaboration skills in cycle 1 and cycle 2. The <br>learning outcomes of students from the post-test score data also show that students have achieved <br>learning objectives in cycle 1 and achieved learning objectives with enrichment in cycle 2. Based on the <br>results of this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of the Prolem-Based Learning (PBL) <br>model with video media is able to improve collaboration skills and student learning outcomes in the <br>material of non-cash payment instruments.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Keterampilan Membaca Pemahaman Melalui Model CIRC Materi Kekayaan Budaya Indonesia Siswa Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T13:37:27+00:00 Indah Nur Palupi Rahutami Sunarsih <p>This research is motivated by the low reading comprehension ability of fourth grade students <br>of UPT SD Negeri Dadaplangu 02 Kab. Blitar in understanding reading texts, and teachers have never <br>used innovative learning models to solve students' reading problems. The data collection technique <br>used is observation sheets to collect data on students' reading comprehension skills and activities <br>which are supported by documentation to prove activities during the learning process. Data analysis <br>techniques using quantitative data and qualitative data analysis. The results showed that in the <br>category of teacher activity results at the end of the first cycle, 86% in the good category became 95% <br>at the end of the second cycle, in the very good category. In the category of student activity results at <br>the end of cycle I by 83% in the good category to 94% at the end of cycle II in the very good category. <br>Finally, in the category of reading comprehension skills, cycle 1 meeting 1 was 53.9%, increased to <br>69.3% in cycle I meeting 2, to 84.6% in cycle II at meeting 1, then to 84.6% in cycle II meeting 2. The <br>category needs guidance in cycle I at meeting 1 to be sufficient in cycle I at meeting 2, then good in <br>cycle II meeting 1 and good in cycle 2 meeting 2.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penerapan Metode Tresure Hunt terhadap Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Pancasila Materi Konsep Mata Angin Peserta didik Kelas 1B SD Percobaan 2 Malang 2024-02-13T13:40:50+00:00 Dyah Marta Amalia I Ketut Suastika Desi Hermawati <p>The background of this research is the learning outcomes of students in class 1B of <br>Experimental Elementary School 2 Malang City in the Pancasila Education lesson on the concept of <br>cardinal directions on an incomplete floor plan. This study aims as an effort to improve student <br>learning outcomes on the concept of cardinal directions on plans using the Treasure Hunt method. <br>This research is included in the class action research (CAR) which is carried out in 2 cycles, where each <br>cycle is carried out in 1 meeting. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementing, <br>observing and reflecting. The subjects of this study were class 1B students at SDN Experiment 2 <br>Malang City consisting of 28 students. The results of this study showed an increase in cycle I and cycle <br>II. The results of observations of teacher activity in learning cycle I with an average of 84.27%, a good <br>predicate increased to 94% with a very good predicate. While the learning outcomes of students in the <br>aspects of attitudes, skills and knowledge also increased. The learning outcomes of the knowledge <br>aspect increased from an average score of 71.8 with 35.71% completeness to 81 with 77.78% <br>completeness. Therefore, it can be concluded that the treasure hunt learning method can improve <br>student learning outcomes in the concept of cardinal directions in class 1B floor plans at Experimental <br>Elementary School 2 Malang City.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MEDIA KONKRET TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR MATEMATIKA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS III SD NEGERI 1 CANDIRENGGO KABUPATEN MALANG 2024-02-13T13:44:21+00:00 Emi Rahmawati Sudi Dul Aji Sriyatin <p>One of the sciences that plays an important role in human life is Mathematics. This becomes a <br>problem when Mathematics learning achievement needs to be improved in class III at SD Negeri 1 <br>Candirenggo. Based on the results of observations made by researchers, one of the causes is teachers <br>who do not use a variety of media in learning, and the lack of use of concrete media. This research <br>aims to describe the effect of using concrete media on the Mathematics learning achievement of class <br>III students at SD Negeri 1 Candirenggo seen from the learning outcomes and learning activities of <br>students. The research methods used are observation, documentation and test methods. The data <br>analysis techniques used in this research are quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques. <br>The results of the first cycle of research showed that the percentage of completeness of learning <br>outcomes reached 67.64%. After implementing the use of concrete media in cycle II, there was a <br>change, namely the percentage of learning completeness became 85.29%. Meanwhile, looking at the <br>results of student learning activities in cycle I, the student learning activity score reached 52.94%, and <br>after implementing the use of concrete media in cycle II, the student learning activity score changed, <br>namely to 88.23%. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the use of concrete <br>media has a great influence on improving mathematics learning achievement for class III at SD Negeri <br>1 Candirenggo, Malang Regency.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Kemampuan Bernalar Kritis Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Melalui Model Problem Based Learning Pada Peserta Didik Kelas XI IPS 4 SMAN 6 Malang 2024-02-13T13:48:14+00:00 Yuda Adi Pratama Endah Andayani Sarmi Evi Mustikawati <p>In this era of advanced information, the ability to reason critically is becoming increasingly <br>important. Critical reasoning is the ability to objectively analyze, evaluate, and conclude information <br>by using logic and proper reasoning. Based on the results of observations in class XI IPS 4 SMAN 6 <br>Malang, it was found that students were dependent on information on the internet which made <br>analyzing and processing data according to their understanding was still lacking. Therefore, the <br>purpose of this research is to improve the critical reasoning skills of students in economic subjects <br>using the Problem Based Learning model by adopting the Watson Gletser Critical Thinking Test <br>(WGCT) assessment component which involves 5 aspects of critical reasoning skills, namely argument, <br>assumption, deduction, interpretation, and conclusion. This type of research is Classroom Action <br>Research which was carried out in 2 cycles. The research subjects were students from class XI IPS 4 <br>SMAN 6 Malang with a total of 34 people. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the <br>critical reasoning ability of students increased in cycle II by 23.8% from cycle I 60.16% to 83.24% in <br>cycle II which was included in the very critical criteria.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING TERINTEGRASI PEMBELAJARAN DIFERENSIASI UNTUK MEMAKSIMALKAN KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH SISWA KELAS X PADA MATERI VEKTOR 2024-02-13T13:51:20+00:00 Sartika Dewi Lukitawanti Anik Istyowati Hestyningtyas Yuli Pratiwi <p>This study aims to determine the integrated Discovery Learning model of differentiation <br>learning can maximize students' problem solving skills. The research sample consisted of one class, <br>namely class X-2 with a total of 35 students. Items describing problem solving skills are used as tests to <br>find out the results of students' problem solving skills after being given treatment in which there are <br>five indicators, namely Useful Description, Physics Approach, Specific Application of Physics, <br>Mathematical Procedures, Logical Progression. The research design used in this study was Classroom <br>Action Research (CAR), which consisted of 3 cycles where each cycle consisted of 1 meeting. The results <br>of this study were divided into two, namely the average value of students' problem solving skills on <br>vector material in the pre-cycle stage of 21.80, the first cycle was 37.20, the second cycle was 66.03, <br>and the third cycle was 82.54 and In terms of the percentage of learning implementation, it was found <br>that the first cycle was 79.68%, the second cycle was 82.10%, and the third cycle was 89.20%. Thus it <br>can be said that the integrated Discovery Learning model of differentiation learning can maximize <br>students' problem solving skills in vector material.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN MENULIS KALIMAT SEDERHANA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS II MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN CONCEPT SENTENCE 2024-02-13T13:54:43+00:00 Dian Kartikasari Rahutami Endyah Winarti <p>This study aims to describe the application of the concept sentence learning model and <br>determine the improvement of students' writing skills. The type of this research was Classroom Action <br>Research (CAR) conducted at UPT SDN Bangsri 02. Students who were the subjects of the research <br>were 9 grade II students, consisting of 3 male students and 6 female students. Data collection <br>techniques used include observation, testing, and documentation, which are analyzed using frequency <br>and description. The results of the research and discussion concluded that the increase in simple <br>sentence writing skills occurred in each cycle, namely in the first cycle of classical completeness by <br>66.7% and in the second cycle of classical completeness by 88.8%. There was a significant increase in <br>the pretest and posttest results carried out by students. In the pretest, the results of classical learning <br>mastery increased by 55.6%, from 33.3% which increased to 88.9% in the posttest. From the results of <br>this study, it can be said that the concept sentence learning model can improve skills in writing simple <br>sentences. Therefore the concept sentence learning model is appropriate when used to improve <br>writing skills in grade II elementary school students with similar material.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Matematika Materi Waktu Menggunakan Media Jam Pintar Siswa Kelas I SD 2024-02-13T13:59:03+00:00 Handika Eko Wahyu Pradana I Ketut Suastika Christiana Andriana Amin Rahayu <p>Teaching Mathematics without the use of concrete media can lead to difficulties for students <br>in understanding a concept. Therefore, the use of concrete media in the learning process is crucial for <br>students to easily grasp the concept. Additionally, the appropriate selection of concrete media plays an <br>important role. Selecting engaging and comprehensible concrete media can enhance student learning <br>outcomes. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in the topic of time. The research <br>employed a two-cycle classroom action research method. The research subjects consisted of 28 <br>students from class IC. Data collection techniques included 1) Pre-test, 2) Observation, and 3) <br>Documentation. Data analysis was conducted using qualitative methods. The indicator of student <br>success is an 80% completion rate.The results of this study indicate that the use of the Jam Pintar <br>media can enhance student learning outcomes in class IC at SDN Percobaan 2, Malang. In the pre-cycle <br>phase, student learning outcomes reached 11%, which increased to 71% in cycle I and further <br>increased to 89% in cycle II.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Kreativitas Peserta Didik Kelas 4 Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning dalam Pembuatan Media IPAS Berbentuk Pop Up Book 2024-02-13T14:02:08+00:00 Danti Alifa Nawangsari Prihatin Sulistyowati Satinem <p>This research is based on observations made on the learning process which found that the<br>creativity aspect in science learning in grade 4 has not been seen. This research is a Classroom Action<br>Research which aims to describe the increase in students' creativity using the problem-based learning <br>model in the creation of pop-up book IPAs media. The method used is qualitative and quantitative in<br>which the data obtained is in the form of percentages to be described later. The results of this study<br>indicate an increase in student creativity in terms of the activities and products produced. The overall<br>average for each aspect of creativity in terms of activity at pre-cycle 55% increased from cycle I 69% to<br>cycleII 86%. The overall average for each aspect in terms of product at pre-cycle 57% increased from<br>cycle I 70% to cycle II 83%. It can be concluded that there has been an increase in the creativity of<br>students in making science fiction media in the form of pop up books using the problem based learning<br>model.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Peserta Didik Kelas IV di SDN Bareng 01 melalui Model Problem Based Learning 2024-02-13T14:06:01+00:00 Zahrotul Khusniah Farida Nur Kumala Nita Retno Wahyuningati <p>Indonesian plays an important role in efforts to improve the quality of basic education, <br>especially elementary schools (SD), because Indonesian is a means of thinking to foster logical, <br>systematic, and critical thinking. But in fact, students' understanding in learning Indonesian is still <br>relatively low. Where there are still many students who have learning achievements that are below <br>average. To overcome problems related to low student achievement, one of which is the implementation <br>of collaborative classroom action research (PTK) by applying modelsProblem Based Learning (PBL). <br>The subjects in this study were students in class IV A at SDN Bareng 1. This study aims to improve the <br>learning achievement of Indonesian language students in class IV through the application of theProblem <br>Based Learning at SDN Bareng 1. The results of the implementation of this study revealed that there <br>was an increase in students' Indonesian learning achievement when using the modelProblem Based <br>Learning 22.7% in cycle I and 18.2% in cycle II.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) BERPADUKAN DENGAN WORD WALL GAME QUIS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI DAN HASIL BELAJAR PADA MATERI PERDAGANGAN INTERNASIONAL KELAS XI IPS 1 2024-02-13T14:10:40+00:00 Mita Pratama Putri Lilik Sri Hariani Mustani Ekowati <p>The development of the times and technology has made teacher-centered learning of course no <br>longer relevant and effective at this time. This causes low learning motivation and less than optimal <br>learning outcomes. In the learning activities during the observation in class XI IPS 1, the learning <br>outcomes of students whose grades were &lt;75 were still dominant, namely 30 students out of 36 students. <br>therefore in this study the aim is to be able to solve problems that exist in class XI IPS 1. To solve these <br>problems the efforts that can be made are by applying the problem based learning (PBL) learning model <br>combined with the word wall game quis to increase motivation and learning outcomes in international <br>trade material Class XI IPS 1. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Pagak. Jalan Kahuripan 4 <br>Sumbermanjingkulon, Pagak District, Malang Regency, East Java Province. The subjects of this study <br>are Class XI IPS 1 for the 2022/2023 academic year. The number of respondents in class XI IPS 1 was 36 <br>students. The results and discussion show that applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning <br>model combined with the wordwall game quiz can increase motivation and learning outcomes in <br>international trade material for class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 1 Pagak in the 2022/2023 academic year.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Nonfiksi Melalui Penerapan Strategi Mind-Mapping pada Siswa Kelas V SDN Tlekung 01 Kota Batu 2024-02-13T14:13:45+00:00 Mochammad Citra Mardhi Hassyah Farida Nur Kumala Muhammad Irkham Khoirurrozikin <p>This study aims to improve students' nonfiction essay writing skills using mindmapping <br>strategies (concept maps). The type of research used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists <br>of 2 cycles where in cycle I there are 2 meetings and in cycle II there is 1 meeting. Each cycle has four <br>stages, namely: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research subjects were 18 grade <br>V students at SDN Tlekung 01 Batu City with 9 male students and 9 female students. The results showed <br>that the percentage increase in the value of students' essay writing skills increased by 5% in cycle II. The <br>percentage of students' writing skills in cycle I reached 73.8%, while in cycle II it reached 78.7%. An <br>increase also occurred in the percentage of students who achieved learning mastery (in this case nonfiction essay writing skills) where there was an increase of 34%. The percentage of students who <br>experienced learning mastery in cycle I reached 44% while in cycle II it reached 78%. Based on this <br>research, it can be concluded that the use of Mind Mapping strategies can improve students' non-fiction <br>essay writing skills.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi Jaring-Jaring Kubus dan Balok Melalui Model PjBL Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-13T14:16:46+00:00 Suwarti Ninik Indawati Indah Sumanarahati <p>This research is a Collaborative Classroom Action Research (CCAR) conducted to solve <br>problems in the classroom to create better learning. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes <br>of the material of the nets of cubes and blocks through a project-based learning model for grade 4 <br>students of Malang City Elementary School. This research consists of 2 (two) cycles with 4 (four) stages, <br>namely planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. The data collection technique is <br>to collect test scores carried out at the end of each lesson in each cycle using test questions and product <br>assessment instruments. Data were analyzed by means of percentage statistics. Learning outcomes in <br>the pre-cycle were included in the deficient category. The results showed that there was an increase in <br>the completeness of student learning outcomes increased from 53.57% in the pre-cycle increased to <br>71.42% in cycle 1 and increased to 89.28% in cycle II. The use of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) <br>learning model improves the learning outcomes of cube and block nets material of fourth grade students <br>of Malang City Elementary School.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Kualitas Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas X IPS 1 dengan Teknik Pomodoro 2024-02-13T14:20:16+00:00 Muhammad Harits Lilik Sri Hariani Very Yulena Widjiastuti <p>This research aims to determine the improvement of learning quality among 10th-grade <br>students in Social Sciences 1 class at Senior High School 2 Malang through the Pomodoro technique. The <br>Pomodoro technique is used to divide study and rest durations effectively. This technique is employed <br>because students often experience a decline in visual concentration during studying, primarily due to <br>the excessive use of electronic devices and prolonged scrolling through social media. The instructional <br>design of this study utilizes the Pomodoro technique to assist students in dividing their study and rest <br>time and maintaining eye health. This study adopts a Classroom Action Research (CAR) approach, <br>consisting of two cycles. Each cycle comprises four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and <br>reflection. Data collection methods used in this Classroom Action Research include written tests, <br>observations, and documentation. The instruments used consist of a descriptive test to assess students' <br>problem-solving abilities and a questionnaire on students' concentration during learning. Data analysis <br>involves triangulation of sources, data, and time. The results obtained indicate that the Pomodoro <br>technique has a positive influence on the learning quality of the students. There was an improvement in <br>both the learning process and learning outcomes from Cycle 1 to Cycle II. As the success indicators, <br>whether at the individual or collective level, were achieved, the research cycles were terminated.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Peningkatan Keaktifan Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas IV SD Melalui Model Pembelajaran Teams Games Tournament (TGT) 2024-02-13T14:22:45+00:00 Hengky Triwijaya Rahutami Anik Sri Rahayu <p>The purpose of this study was to increase the activeness of students by using the Teams Games <br>Tournament (TGT) learning model. The type of research used in this study was collaborative PTK which <br>was carried out together with tutors. This research consisted of two cycles, cycle I and cycle II. Data <br>collection techniques using observation, documentation, and field notes. The research instrument uses <br>observation sheets, documentation and field notes. Data analysis techniques were carried out <br>descriptively both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the first cycle research showed that <br>the students' active learning reached 78.58%. Cycle II showed the active learning of students reached <br>84.83%. This shows that there is an increase in the percentage of active learning in each cycle. The <br>results of this study indicate that the application of the TGT learning model in science learning can <br>increase students' active learning during the learning process.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI MODEL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR KOGNITIF PESERTA DIDIK KELAS IV SDN PLOSOKEREP 1 KOTA BLITAR 2024-02-13T14:27:44+00:00 Zahroul Masruro Nurul Ain Norintina Sweko W. <p>Learning that is teacher-centered and occurs in one direction causes a lack of involvement <br>and activeness of students in learning which has an impact on low cognitive learning outcomes. Then <br>a creative solution is needed in order to increase the delay and activeness of students. One way is to <br>apply the experiential learning model. Experiential learning is an experience-based learning model <br>which views that students need to be taught through experience introduced by David Kolb in 1984. <br>This type of research is non-class research or PTK which consists of two cycles with 16 respondents in <br>class IV. Data collection was carried out through three instruments, namely observation sheets, tests <br>and questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results <br>of the study state that the application of the experiential learning model can improve cognitive <br>learning outcomes of students in mathematics. Each cycle experienced an increase, in cycle 1 it <br>increased to 81.25% and in cycle 2 it increased to 87.5%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Model Discovery Learning Berbasis Metode Polya Pada Materi Volume Kubus dan Balok di Kelas V 2024-02-13T14:31:16+00:00 Zumrotul Maulida Nurul Ain Kurotul A’yunina <p>This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in the material volume of cubes and <br>blocks using a discovery learning model based on the polya method in class V UPT SD Negeri Gaprang <br>1, Blitar Regency. Students experience difficulties in solving volume problems of cubes and blocks. The <br>form of research conducted in this study used the Classroom Action Research (PTK) design developed <br>by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. The subjects in this study were 22 students of class V UPT SD Negeri <br>Gaprang 1 Blitar Regency for the 2022/2023 academic year. This research was conducted in two <br>cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. Data collection techniques using observation, tests, and <br>documentation. In the first cycle the students' mathematics learning outcomes increased based on the <br>results of the cycle, with an average student score of 52.27 increasing to 68.63 in the first cycle, and <br>85.90 in the second cycle with a completeness percentage of 22.72% in pre-cycle, changed 63.63% in <br>cycle I and 86.36% in cycle II. Thus, this study produced results indicating that the discovery learning <br>model based on the polya method can improve students mathematics learning outcomes.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PAKAR PATI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK KELAS V PADA MATERI VOLUME KUBUS 2024-02-14T01:49:21+00:00 Devi Ratnasari Nurul Ain Kurotul A’yunina <p>The results of observations on grade 5th at UPT SD Negeri Gaprang 1 found problems with the <br>low learning outcomes of students in mathematics, especially in the Material of Building Space Volume. <br>For this reason, the purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes through the use <br>pakar pati (papan akar pangkat tiga) media on volume cube material. The subjects of this study were <br>22 students of grade 5th at UPT SD Negeri Gaprang 1. The method used in this research was classroom <br>action research, by performing two actions in two cycles. Each cycle had four stages of activity, namely <br>planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results of this study indicate that the use of <br>pakar pati (papan akar pangkat tiga) media can improve student learning outcomes. This can be seen <br>from the average score that has reached the KKM set by the school and the percentage of students' <br>learning completeness which increased from 41% before the action to 72.72% after the action in cycle <br>I and 86.36% after the action in cycle II.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Implementasi Model Pembelajaran PJBL Berbantuan Media Flashcard untuk Meningkatkan Minat dan Keaktifan Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas 4 di Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-14T01:52:05+00:00 Siska Aprilia Wati Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita Kholiq <p>Interest and learning activeness are needed and must exist in students during the learning <br>process. Because with the interest and liveliness of learning can help to achieve learning goals. Interest <br>and learning activeness in grade 4 students of SDN Sukorejo can be said to be lacking. Students still have <br>no interest and learning activeness in themselves. In addition, the learning carried out by the teacher <br>still uses the lecture method and has not used learning media. This study aims to increase interest and <br>learning activeness by using the PJBL learning model assisted by flashcard media for 4th grade students <br>of SDN Sukorejo. This research is a class action research conducted in collaboration with the class <br>teacher which was carried out for 2 cycles with each cycle having 2 meetings. Based on the pre-cycle <br>results, an assessment was obtained with a percentage of 25% learning interest and 12.5% learning <br>activeness. After implementing cycle 1, an assessment was obtained with a percentage of 37.5% learning <br>interest and 25% learning activeness. In cycle 2, an assessment was obtained with a percentage of <br>interest and learning activeness of 75%. In cycle 2, it has met the expectations of increasing students' <br>interest and learning activeness with more than 50% of the total number of students included in the <br>category of good interest and active learning. This shows that the use of PJBL learning model assisted <br>by flashcard media is able to increase the interest and learning activeness of 4th grade students of SDN <br>Sukorejo Kediri.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Implementasi Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) Berbantuan Media Flip Book Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Dan Keaktifan Peserta Didik Pada Tema 7 Kelas 3 SDN Sukomoro Kediri 2024-02-14T01:54:54+00:00 Ria Mentari Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita Sriatun <p>This research was conducted to improve reading comprehension and activeness of third <br>grade students at SDN Sukomoro Kediri by applying the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model. This <br>type of research is classroom action research with research subjects of class III students at SDN <br>Sukmoro Kediri in the 2022/2023 academic year. A total of 20 students, with details of 16 girls and 4 <br>boys. This research was carried out in 2 learning cycles. With 4 stages in each cycle, namely planning, <br>implementation, observation/observation, and reflection. The data collection tools are tests and <br>observation sheets. The results of the analysis of data from 20 students from reading comprehension in <br>the pre-cycle obtained a complete result of 5 (25%) with a class average of 63.5. In cycle I there were <br>11 students (55%) with a class average of 73.5. In cycle II there were 18 students (90%) with a class <br>average of 86%. Whereas in the aspect of activeness, the results obtained in the pre-cycle were 3 <br>students with high activity (15%). Then in cycle I there were 9 students with high activity (45%). In <br>cycle II there were 13 students with high activity (65%).</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Penerapan Model PBl Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPAS Dengan Penguatan Karakter Profil Pelajar Pancasila Pada Peserta Didik Kelas IV SDN Gadungan 02 Kabupaten Blitar 2024-02-14T01:57:20+00:00 Rinda Wahyu Hidayah Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti Feria Nurfiana <p>This study aims to improve science learning outcomes by strengthening the character profile <br>of Pancasila students in class IV students at SDN Gadungan 02, Blitar district. Data collection techniques <br>through tests and observation sheets. The results of this study indicate an increase in student learning <br>outcomes in grade IV Science Science material at SDN Gadungan 02 Blitar district. This is evident from <br>the results of research conducted on pre-action students who received a complete score of 8 people or <br>36.3% with an average score of 64.3 while students who did not complete were 14 people or 63.7%. <br>Then continued research in the first cycle of students who got a complete score of 12 students or 54.5% <br>with an average score of 66.6 while students who did not complete were 10 students or 45.5%, then <br>there was an increase in cycle I compared to the preaction . However, it does not meet the completeness <br>category that has been determined. Then the research continued in cycle II, namely students who got a <br>complete score of 16 students or 72.7% while students who did not complete were 6 students or 27.3% <br>with an average score of 76.1. Cycle III students who got a complete score of 20 students or 90.9% while <br>students who did not complete were 2 students or 9.1% with an average score of 85.7, then there was <br>an increase in cycle III compared to cycles I and II and has meet the specified requirements.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Materi Diagram Gambar Menggunakan Media PANDIGA (Papan Diagram Gambar) Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-14T02:00:18+00:00 Dyvita Indah Amelia Triwahyudianto Farida Hariani <p>Mathematics learning outcomes of class IA students at SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang are low, <br>especially in the material for picture diagrams. Preliminary observations showed that the average <br>student learning outcome was 42.1 and the percentage of KKTP achievement was only 25%. Therefore, <br>there is need solution to overcome this problem. The solution that can be given is do lesson picture <br>diagrams using PANDIGA media (picture diagrams boards). The purpose of this research is to improve <br>the learning outcomes of class I using PANDIGA media. The model used in this study refers to the Kemmis <br>&amp; Taggart model which consists of four stages including planning, implementing, observing, and <br>reflecting. The subjects of this study were class IA students at SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang with a <br>total of 28 students. Data collection techniques were obtained from observation and the results of <br>evaluation questions. The results showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes in cycle I with <br>an average score of 63.4 and an achievement of KKTP of 43%. These results increased to be more <br>optimal in cycle II with an average value of 81.6 and KKTP achievement to 82%. This shows that <br>PANDIGA media can improve student learning outcomes.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Muatan Pendidikan Pancasila Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning Kelas I Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-14T02:03:22+00:00 Ira Khoirunisa Ninik Indawati Indah Sumanarahati <p>The background of this research is the below-average learning outcomes of students due <br>to their lack of participation in the classroom, the dominance of the teacher, limited student <br>involvement in learning activities, resulting in a lack of understanding of the learning material, <br>which leads to their grades falling below the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM). This study aims <br>to improve the learning outcomes of students in the subject of Pancasila Education for Class I <br>through the implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a teaching model for the topic <br>of mutual cooperation. The research approach used is Collaborative Classroom Action Research <br>(PTKK), conducted in 2 cycles. The research findings indicate an improvement in students' <br>learning outcomes as evidenced by increased test scores in each cycle. The average score in the <br>pre-cycle was 57.5, which increased to 69.75 in the first cycle and further increased to 77.25 in <br>the second cycle. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning <br>(PBL) model in Pancasila Education for Class I in elementary school is effective in improving <br>students' learning outcomes.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Narasi Melalui Pembiasaan Menulis Menggunakan Aplikasi Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (EYD) di Kelas 4B SD Negeri 1 Kepanjen 2024-02-14T02:08:34+00:00 Ranny Rachmani Safitri Pujianah Arief Rahman Hakim Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita <p>Learning outcomes in the Independent Curriculum for 4th grade Indonesian language <br>indicate that students are expected to be able to write narrative texts. However, observations on the <br>topic of writing narrative texts show that the majority of students are still not proficient in writing <br>narrative texts. Therefore, the researcher used the Perfected Spelling Application in an effort to <br>improve the skill of writing narrative texts.This research was conducted at SD Negeri 1 Kepanjen, Jl. <br>Kawi No.30 RT.10, RW.2, Kepanjen District, Malang Regency, East Java Province. The subjects of this <br>study were 33 students in class 4B. The data analysis technique used was qualitative descriptive <br>data analysis technique. The collected data included observation data, diagnostic assessments, <br>portfolios, and student learning outcomes. The indicators used as instruments in this study included <br>1) the use of Perfected Spelling, 2) the use of diction, 3) coherence in content and topic, and 4) <br>effective sentence writing.Based on the results of the classroom action research conducted, it can be <br>concluded that: 1) The students' writing organization was very low, only 12%. However, after this <br>research was conducted using the Perfected Spelling Application, the students' writing organization <br>increased to 76%. 2) In terms of content, the students were able to adjust the content of the story to <br>the topic, but the use of diction and effective sentences only reached 58% and 48%. After the <br>research, these percentages increased to 79% and 73% respectively. All the indicators of writing <br>skills in this study showed improvement. Thus, it is evident that the Perfected Spelling Application <br>can help improve the skill of writing narrative texts in the form of travel reports.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Melalui Media Papan Kata Pada Siswa Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-14T02:12:00+00:00 Nur Aini Mufida Rahutami Hanna Rosyidah <p>Reading ability is a teacher's concern in learning. This study aimed to determine the use of <br>word boards to improve reading skills and to describe ways to improve reading skills in grade 1 <br>elementary school students. This research model uses Kemmis and Mc. Taggart with the stages of <br>planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research was carried out using a qualitative <br>descriptive method with 6 students in class 1 UPT SDN Gandekan 04 as the subject of research. Data <br>collection techniques included interviews, observations, and tests. Data analysis used the average class <br>value and percentage of completeness. If the percentage of students who complete reaches 75% of the <br>number of students, then the action is stopped, and the research is declared successful. The results of <br>this study showed an increase in the learning outcomes of grade 1 elementary school students, namely, <br>66.67% completed with an average grade of 70 in cycle I and 100% with an average grade of 96.67 in <br>cycle II. With an increase in student learning outcomes, students' reading skills also increased. One <br>way to improve the reading ability of Grade 1 elementary school students is to integrate the use of <br>wordboard media in each lesson.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENINGKATAN NILAI SISWA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL KOOPERATIVE LEARNING STUDENT TEAMS ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION (STAD) BERBANTU MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN ULAR TANGGA PADA MATERI LEMBAGA KEUANGAN BANK KELAS X-4 SMA NEGERI 5 TARUNA BRAWIJAYA JAWA TIMUR 2024-02-14T02:18:08+00:00 Putri Ekasari Sulistyo Cahya Wulan P. <p>This study determine the increase in students' scores using the Student Teams Achievement Division <br>(STAD) learning model assisted by snakes and ladders learning media on bank financial institution material <br>class X-4 SMA Negeri 5 Taruna Brawijaya East Java, to determine the effect of snakes and ladders learning <br>media on the activeness of students and increasing student scores. One of the educational problems is the <br>lack of interactive learning media for the high school stage, so teachers are required to be creative in <br>improving the quality of learning in class, such as developing learning media. One of the learning media that <br>is interesting and can overcome student boredom in learning activities is cooperative-based learning <br>activities by means of games and supporting media, such as the application of snakes and ladders game <br>media. In the learning outcomes of class X-4 there were 32 students, showing that 50% of students had <br>scores above the KKM before applying the snakes and ladders learning media, whereas after applying the <br>snakes and ladders game learning media 90% of students had scores above the KKM (Minimum <br>Completeness Criteria). The use of learning media in learning activities makes it easier for students to gain <br>understanding and motivates students to learn.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran TaRL yang Terintegrasi dengan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Mata Pelajaran Matematika Pokok Bahasan Bilangan Besar Kelas IA Semester Genap SD Negeri Tanjungrejo 5 Kota Malang 2024-02-14T02:20:43+00:00 Dyah Ayu Novitaningsih Ninik Indawati Indah Sumanarahati <p>The academic achievement of students in class 1a of SDN Tanjungrejo 5 Kota Malang in the <br>subject of Mathematics, especially in the topic of large numbers, shows a low level. This problem is <br>caused by a conventional learning approach that is not integrated, making students passive in <br>learning. Therefore, this research aims to address this issue by applying an innovative and integrated <br>learning approach. The method used in this research is the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) <br>approach integrated with differentiated learning. Students are grouped into three groups based on <br>their abilities and learning styles, namely proficient, moderate, and developing groups. The research <br>was conducted through collaborative classroom action research involving two cycles and a pre-cycle <br>stage. Each cycle involves planning, action implementation, observation, evaluation, and reflection. <br>The research sample consisted of 18 students in class 1a in the even semester. The results showed that <br>in the pre-cycle stage, only 5 students (27.77%) achieved learning completeness, while the others did <br>not. However, in Cycle I, there was a significant improvement, with 12 students (66.66%) achieving <br>learning completeness. In Cycle II, there was an even more significant improvement, where 17 students <br>(94.44%) achieved learning completeness. Furthermore, the mean results also experienced a <br>significant increase from 55.28 in the pre-cycle stage to 86.12 in Cycle II. Thus, this research provides <br>evidence that the implementation of the TaRL approach integrated with differentiated learning is <br>effective in improving students' learning outcomes in Mathematics. Additionally, this research also fills <br>the gap in previous research at SDN Tanjungrejo 5 Kota Malang. It is hoped that this research can <br>provide solutions to improve students' learning outcomes and contribute to the development of <br>innovative and integrated learning approaches more broadly.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PAPAN DIAGRAM GAMBAR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA MATERI MENGENAL DIAGRAM KELAS 1 SDN BANDUNGREJOSARI 01 2024-02-14T02:26:29+00:00 Firdaus Alfath Siti Halimatus Sakdiyah Luluk Faridatuz Zuhro <p>The purpose of this study was to improve mathematics learning outcomes in the subject <br>of recognizing diagrams using board diagrams for first grade students at SDN <br>Bandungrejosari 01. The type of research used was Classroom Action Research (PTK) in <br>collaboration with class teachers. The instruments used were the results of the final test of <br>each cycle and interviews which were analyzed using descriptive quantitative and descriptive <br>qualitative. The results showed that the use of board diagram media in learning material <br>about diagrams can improve learning outcomes in mathematics. This is indicated by the class <br>average scores from pre-cycle to cycle 1, from 61,60 to 68,03 and from cycle 1 to cycle 2, from <br>68,03 to 82,85. In addition, the observations show that the use of board diagram media is very <br>helpful in implementing mathematics learning, students more easily understand the material <br>being studied and teachers more easily in teaching.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe Make A Match untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Hasil Belajar peserta didik pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi pada Kelas X.2 SMA N 2 Blitar Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023) 2024-02-14T02:36:59+00:00 Niken Sabrina Ab'harani Rusno Pradianna <p>This study aims to prove whether the application of the cooperative learning model with <br>the make a match type in economics subjects can increase the activity and learning outcomes of <br>class X.2 students of SMA N 2 Blitar in the 2022/2023 academic year. The research method used is <br>Classroom Action Research (PTK) conducted in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of 4 stages, namely <br>planning, implementation of action, observation and reflection. The subjects of this study were 35 <br>students of class X.2 SMA N 2 Blitar. The instruments in this study were observation sheets of <br>learning activeness and tests of student learning outcomes. The results showed that there was an <br>increase in activeness which could be seen from the percentage of learning activeness in the <br>pre-cycle of 48.56%, increasing to 71.42% in cycle I, then in cycle II, increasing to 88.56%. In <br>conclusion, student learning activeness has increased by 40%. The learning outcomes of the <br>cognitive aspect increased with the acquisition of pre-cycle achievement data by 45.71% increased <br>in cycle I to 71.42%, increased again in cycle II to 85.71%. The learning outcomes of the affective <br>aspect with the acquisition of pre-cycle data achieved by 58.33% increased in cycle I to 79.99% then <br>increased again in cycle II to 86.63%. The learning outcomes of the psychomotor aspects with the <br>acquisition of pre-cycle data achieved by 47.63% increased in cycle I to 79.04% then in cycle II <br>increased to 86.63%. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the application of <br>the make a match type cooperative learning model can increase the activity and learning outcomes <br>of students in the economic subject of class X.2 students of SMA N 2 Blitar in the 2022/2023 <br>academic year.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN PANCASILA MELALUI MEDIA PANILA (PAPAN PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI PANCASILA) PADA SISWA KELAS V SD NEGERI KOTA MALANG 2024-02-14T02:40:12+00:00 Citra Nur Qomaria Helmi Lilik Sri Hariani Choiriyah Rukmini <p>One education that is very important in forming character is Pancasila education. This research aims <br>to improve the learning outcomes of Pancasila Education for Class V students at SDN Malang City through the <br>application of PANILA media (Pancasila Values Application Board) using the classroom action research (PTK) <br>method based on Problem Based Learning. This research method uses a PTK design which involves two <br>learning cycles carried out in a pre-test, and 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of 1 meeting to see the results of <br>increasing student learning activities through media (PANILA) with research subjects totaling 27 students. <br>The use of PANILA Media and the Problem Based Learning model can be a useful alternative in increasing <br>students' understanding of Pancasila values and integrating them into their daily lives. The results of the <br>research show that the application of PANILA media with the Problem Based Learning model can improve <br>Pancasila Education learning outcomes for Class V students at State Elementary Schools in Malang City. In the <br>pre-test, students' completeness score was 25.92%, in cycle I students got a completeness score of 62.96%, <br>while in cycle II students got a completeness score of 80.19%. The conclusion that can be drawn from this <br>research is that the use of PANILA Media can improve student learning outcomes in Pancasila Education <br>learning in class V SDN Malang City.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MATERI PENGURANGAN BERSUSUN MELALUI MODEL PROJECT BASES LEARNING (PJBL) TERBIMBING PESERTA DIDIK KELAS 1 2024-02-14T02:43:08+00:00 Winda Aulia Indah Sumanarahati Ninik Indawati <p>The background of this research is the low learning outcomes of grade 1 students in the material for <br>reducing whole numbers. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of grade 1 students. This research <br>is a Collaborative Classroom Action Research (PTKK) with a guided Project Based Learning (PJBL) model. <br>Researchers use a tiered technique to improve student learning outcomes. This research consists of two cycles. <br>The data collection technique in this study uses the Kurt Lewin model which consists of a series of planning, <br>implementing, observing, reflecting activities. The subjects and data of the research subjects were 1st grade <br>elementary school students. The research variable is increasing learning outcomes using the guided PJBL <br>model. The results of PTKK research show that the use of the guided PJBL model can improve student learning <br>outcomes. In the pre-cycle, the initial data obtained was that the average student score was 51, cycle 1 <br>increased to 69 and cycle 2 increased to 78. The conclusion in this study is that the guided PJBL learning model <br>can improve the learning outcomes of class I students.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Improving Students' Writing Ability Through Tea Party Technique Using English Son 2024-02-14T02:46:21+00:00 Frida Alifah Tasrikha Ikawati Umi Tursini <p>Writing might be a complex skill for the students rather than other three skills because <br>there are many aspects that have to understand. Thus, to help students’ difficulty on writing, it <br>needs the effective and efficient technique in teaching and learning process. This study aims to <br>find out whether there is a significant improvement on students’ scores on writing ability <br>through Tea Party Technique using English song. The population of this research was the <br>eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Malang, and the sample was eleventh grade students of <br>Science 1. Classroom Action Research was used as a research design. The technique included of<br>planning, action, observing, and reflecting phases, and the research was applied in three cycles. <br>The result of this study shows that there is significant improvement of students’ writing skill. It <br>can be seen on students’ score in pre-test, middle test, and post-test. The average score of the <br>students grew by 4.27 between the pre-test and middle test, and by 15.24 between the middle <br>test and post-test. In short, the integration of the Tea Party Technique with English song can <br>enhance students' writing skills, especially in writing descriptive text.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Penerapan Permainan Mystery Box Untuk Meningkatkan Kreativititas Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Materi IPAS Fase B (Kelas IV) SD Negeri Bunulrejo 02 Malang 2024-02-14T02:50:00+00:00 Sofi Kusmawati Riana Yulianti <p>This research describes the implementation of the Mystery Box game designed using differentiated learning <br>to enhance the creativity of students at SD Negeri Bunulrejo 02 Malang. This study is a Classroom Action Research <br>(CAR) conducted in two cycles. Each cycle involves planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stages. The <br>results show an improvement in the creativity of students at SD Negeri Bunulrejo 02 Malang. The application of the <br>Mystery Box game designed using differentiated learning resulted in high student creativity in cycle I, with 53.33% <br>of 30 students experiencing an increase to 83.33% in cycle II. The hope of this research is to provide students with <br>opportunities to develop their abilities during learning because soft skills are necessary for students in the current <br>era of 4.0 to face the global world. Therefore, it is recommended that students be given the freedom to learn so that <br>they unconsciously explore their abilities.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN KONSEP PERKALIAN DAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS IV SD NEGERI 1 LAWANG 2024-02-14T02:52:46+00:00 Dyah Wahyuning Astrini Sudi Dul Aji Lely Kristiningrum <p>Learning needs to be done by encourging students and creating fun learning so that students <br>can experience the learning process as an experience. This is also applied to learning mathematics with <br>the topic of multiplication, where students don’t fully understand the concept of multiplication as <br>repeated addition. This research aims to describe implementation of Problem Based Learning model to <br>improve understanding of the multiplication concept and learning outcomes of 4th grade students at <br>Lawang 1 State Elementary School. The research subjects is 4th grade students at Lawang 1 State <br>Elementary School. This research uses Classroom Action Research conducted in two cycles. The results <br>of the research showed an increase in understanding of the concept of multiplication from cycle I to <br>cycle II as seen from the process of solving multiplication problems. The learning outcomes of 4th grade <br>students which was seen from students classical learning completeness in the first cycle is 43,75% <br>increasing to 71% in the second cycle. The average grade increased from 61,25 to 77,5. So, it can be <br>concluded that the application of the Problem Based learning model can increase understanding <br>concept of multiplication and learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Lawang 1 State Elementary <br>School.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENERAPAN MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING KOMBINASI MEDIA SEMPOA BERBASIS APLIKASI SIMPLE SOROBAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASAR 2024-02-14T02:55:40+00:00 Mella Nova Fitrianingsih Dyah Triwahyuningtyas Yayuk Hinaning Utami <p>Low learning outcomes and mastery of competence in mathematics is still a minimum. So an <br>alternative is needed to overcome this problem. This study aims to describe and determine the application <br>of the covery learning model combined with the Simple Soroban application-based abacus media in <br>improving student learning outcomes in mathematics in fourth grade students at SDN Sukun 01 Malang <br>City. This research was conducted at SDN Sukun 01 Malang City on March 27 and 31 2023 with class IVB <br>subjects consisting of 27 participants. Classrom Action Research (PTK) lasts for two cycle. In each cycle <br>consists of four stages namely planning, implementation of action, observation and reflection. The data <br>collection uses test and notes techniques. Data analysis was carried out in a quantitative and qualitative <br>descriptive manner. Based on the results of the reasearch data analysis it was declared successful because <br>the percentage of calssical completeness of student learning outcomes and exceeded the succes indicator <br>which was 85.18% in the “Very High” category of the minimum percentage of 75%. With the number of <br>students who were declared “Completed” by 23 students out of a total of 27 student</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama IMPROVING STUDENTS' READING SKILLS IN NARRATIVE TEXT BY USING POWTOON IN SMAN 6 MALANG 2024-02-14T02:58:24+00:00 Arum Yunita Puspita Sari Ichwan Helami Agus Sholeh <p>In Senior High School, students learn all basic English skills like speaking, writing, listening and reading. <br>Reading is one of four basic skills that students in senior high school have to learn. Reading comprehension is a <br>crucial ability for students to develop. The findings of the formative assessment on the previous learning topic material <br>showed that one of the typical issues in the class is a lack of reading comprehension. The test findings also indicated <br>that there has been a rise of almost 55%. Prior to using Powtoon, the test's average score was 65; however, following <br>that, it increased to an average of 90. This shows that Powtoon increases students' reading comprehension in grade <br>X-4 Senior High School 6 Malang in a beneficial way. Powtoon can be used to present information in a clear and <br>concise manner, making it easier for students to understand complex narratives. This can help build their confidence <br>in their reading skills and motivate them to read more.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE TALKING STICK PADA PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEAKTIFAN BELAJAR SISWA KELAS 3B SDN KEPANJEN 1 KABUPATEN MALANG 2024-02-14T03:02:48+00:00 Uswatul Hasanah Pujianah Arief Rahman Hakim Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita <p>This study aims to describe the improvement of student learning activeness in thematic learning in class <br>III B of SDN Kepanjen 1 Malang Regency. This research uses the Cooperative learning model, specifically the <br>Talking Stick model, in the form of Classroom Action Research conducted in two cycles. Data collection techniques <br>involve direct observation. The data collection instrument uses an observation sheet. The results show that student <br>activeness in the pre-cycle stage was 48.13% categorized as less active. Student learning activeness in cycle I <br>reached 71.28% categorized as moderately active, and in cycle II, it increased to 85.84% categorized as highly <br>active. Efforts to improve student learning activeness through the Talking Stick learning model can be considered <br>successful with a limitation of student learning activeness reaching 80%. Implementing learning using the <br>Cooperative learning model, specifically the Talking Stick model, has shown an improvement in student learning <br>activeness in class III B at SDN Kepanjen 1 Malang Regency in thematic learning.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA MATERI MENULIS MELALUI MEDIA BOOKLET PADA SISWA KELAS 1 SD 2024-02-14T03:06:30+00:00 Alif Masdiky Pratama Ninik Indawati Indah Sumanarahati <p>This research is motivated by the results of observations, which indicate that the learning outcomes of 1st <br>grade elementary school students are low due to lack of motivation and unengaging classroom teaching. The <br>purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Booklet learning media in improving students' <br>writing learning outcomes in elementary school. Based on the results of the Classroom Action Research, a <br>significant improvement in students' learning outcomes was found. In cycle 1, there was an increase in mastery <br>to 66%, while in cycle 2, there was a significant increase with a mastery level of 87%. This indicates that the <br>implementation of the Booklet learning media has a positive and effective impact on improving students' <br>writing learning outcomes. From the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the Booklet learning media <br>can help students to better understand the subject matter and enhance their writing skills.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR IPAS MELALUI MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING DI KELAS IV SD NEGERI 1 SUKORAHARJO 2024-02-14T03:09:26+00:00 Isna Miladiah Arief Rahman Hakim Siti Isnaniyah <p>Based on observations science learning in fourth grade at SDN 1 Sukoraharjo, it is known <br>that there are several problems in learning science of fourth grade. These problems include: (1) <br>students get bored when learning takes place, this is caused by teachers who still use conventional <br>methods; (2) students often do activities that interfere with concentration, for example talking to <br>other students, playing, and daydreaming. The purpose of this research is to describe the learning <br>process using the PBL model, increase student activity using the PBL model, and improve student <br>learning outcomes. The research methods used are observation, interviews, and tests. While the <br>data analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the application of the <br>PBL model in science learning had succeeded in increasing the activity and learning outcomes of <br>fourth grade students at SDN 1 Sukoraharjo. Based on the results of observations, most of the <br>students had the courage to ask/answer and report the results of discussion. The percentage of class <br>learning completeness in first cycle, namely (69%) increased in second cycle with the percentage of <br>class learning completeness of (80.5%).</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR DENGAN MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) PADA TEMATIK DI SEKOLAH DASAR KELAS V 2024-03-19T08:26:12+00:00 Ika Purnama Sari Arief Rahman Hakim Yoeni Soelis Dwiningsih <p>This study aims to improve student learning outcomes class V SD Negeri Sepanjang 1 Kecamatan <br>Gondanglegi. This research is a Collaborative Classroom Action Research (PTKK) between students, learners <br>PPL PPG Prajabatan with tutor. The model used is Problem Based Learning (PBL). This research consists of <br>three cycles. The subjects and data subject of this study were students of class V SD Negeri Sepanjang 1 <br>Kecamatan Gondanglegi Tahun Ajaran 2022/ 2023. . The research variable is an increase in learning <br>outcomes using the PBL model. The results of the study show that the use of the PBL model can improve student <br>learning outcomes. In cycle 1, the initial data obtained was that the average value of students was 52, cycle 2 <br>became 73, then cycle 3 became 84. The conclusion in this study is that the PBL learning model can improve <br>class student learning outcomes V SD Negeri Sepanjang 1 Kecamatan Gondanglegi Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PENERAPAN MODEL PjBL BERBANTUAN MEDIA ULAR TANGGA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KREATIVITAS PESERTA DIDIK SEKOLAH DASAR 2024-02-14T03:20:31+00:00 Afifah Rochmatur Rodhiyah Siti Halimatus Sakdiyah Luluk Faridatuz Zuhro <p>Based on the diagnostic assessment, the results obtained from 28 children were 5 children in <br>the very good category and 4 children in the good category with a level of creativity. The purpose of this <br>research is to describe the use of the PjBL based snakes and ladders to increase the creativity of students <br>in SBdP Class I SDN Bandungrejosari 1. This type of research was classroom action research conducted <br>in two cycles. The stages of each cycle are planning, action, observation and reflection. The research <br>subjects were class IB students at SDN Bandungrejosari 1. The data is collected by observation, <br>documentation, and products analysis. Data analysis use qualitative and quantitative analysis. This <br>research is said successfully if the percentage of creativity reaches 80% and the application of the PjBL <br>reaches 90%. The results showed an increase in each indicator of creativity. The fluency indicator <br>increased by 7.14% from the first cycle of 81.25% to 88.39% in the second cycle. The novelty indicator <br>increased by 5.35% from the first cycle of 80.36% to 85.71% in the second cycle. The flexibility indicator <br>increased by 2.68% from cycle I of 75.89% to 78.57% in cycle II, so it can be concluded that the PjBL <br>based snakes and ladders can increase the creativity of students in Sbdp Class I SDN Bandungrejosari 1</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama PEMANFAATAN MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING DALAM UPAYA MELATIH PENGUASAAN KONSEP DAN KEAKTIFAN SISWA MATERI GELOMBANG BUNYI DAN CAHAYA 2024-02-14T03:23:49+00:00 Putri Festiana Purwanti Achmad Jufriadi Hena Dian Ayu Mokh. Ikhsan Mukhibudin <p>This research aims to enhance the students' comprehension and engagement on the Sound <br>Waves and Light Waves, using the Problem-based Learning (PBL) method combined with the learning <br>style-integrated worksheet. This research applies Classroom Action Reaearch (CAR) as the method, in <br>line with Kemmis &amp; Mc Taggart in two cycles in which are planning, action I, observing I, reflecting I, <br>planning, action II, observing II, and reflecting II. The subject of this study are 35 students, 13 male and <br>22 female. The data were obtained by using observation, two tiers test, and documentation. The result <br>shows as follows: 1) The students' physics comprehension increases. The average percentage of the <br>students comprehension from the cycle I and cycle II are 84.1% and 84.3%, the misconception are 11.3% <br>and 11.6%, while the incomprehensive are 4.4% and 4.1%. The students' comprehension development <br>are picturized in the Comprehend category, where they have obtained 84% (more than the minimum <br>criteria 80.2). The students' engagement from cycle I and cycle II are 83.9% (very active) and 91.8% <br>(very avtive). This shows that there is the increase of the students' comprehension and engagement.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Penerapan Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) berbantuan Media PAKAPINDO (Papan Kantong Pintar Doraemon) Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Peserta didik Kelas III SDN Tertek I 2024-02-14T03:26:19+00:00 Humaidah Farida Nur Kumala Sri Lestari <p>Based on the analysis of the observation results in the third grade students at SDN Tertek I Pare <br>on thematic learning has not been maximized because it has limited learning resources that caused<br>students tend to be passive. From that research it can be drawn the conclusion that students need an <br>interesting learning model with concrete media such as two-dimentional visual media. This study aims <br>to find out the effectiveness of using project based learning as a learning model that can be applied to <br>all levels education and teacher such as a facilitator. PAKAPINDO is a smart doraemon bag board that <br>made of flanel fabric and attached to a triplex or carton and can be filled with stick containing learning <br>materials. Learning motivation is one of the most influential factors for students’ success. The type of <br>research used in this research is classroom action research (CAR) using observation sheet instruments <br>and interview questions list. The purpose of classrom action research is to improve the implementation <br>of the learning process in education, especially classroom learning and student learning outcomes. <br>Based on the results of the reseach, this study can be concluded that has been an increase learning <br>motivation while in the first cycle of learning the percentage value is 46,2% in the less category, while <br>in the second cycle of learning the percentage value is 85% in good category. Based on the learning <br>outcomes, it can be said that the use of project based learning helped by PAKAPINDO effectively applied <br>and can improve students learning motivation to study the thematic learning in the third grade students <br>of SDN Tertek I Pare.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama HASIL BELAJAR KOGNITIF YANG TINGGI PADA MATERI VEKTOR KELAS X KARENA MODEL PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERY LEARNING YANG TERINTEGRASI DENGAN PEMBELAJARAN BERDIFERENSIASI 2024-02-14T03:30:44+00:00 Intan P. A. Rasuli Anik Istyowati Hestyningtyas Yuli Pratiwi Hena Dian Ayu <p>This research can find out that learning with the Discovery Learning model Integrated with <br>Differentiated Learning can result in high student cognitive learning outcomes. The subjects of this study <br>were students of class X-9 SMAN 8 Malang in the 2022/2023 academic year totaling 36 students with <br>differentiation of learning styles consisting of visual, auditorial and kinesthetic. The type of research used <br>is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with 3 cycles where each cycle consists of planning, action, <br>observation and reflection stages. The learning outcome measurement instrument consists of questions that <br>are adjusted to the learning outcome indicators, namely: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, <br>evaluation and creation. The result pf this study were in Cycle I obtained student learning outcomes of <br>48.42 with category of less and percentage of completeness of 11.11%, Cycle II amounted to 68.78 with a <br>sufficient category and a percentage of completeness of 33.33%, and Cycle III was 80.02 with high category <br>and percentage of classical completeness reached 72.22%. So it can be said that the Discovery Learning <br>model integrated with Differentiated Learning can lead to high student cognitive learning outcomes on <br>Vector material.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama How Can Problem Based Learning Integrated with TPACK and Differentiated Learning Enhance Student’s Conceptual Understanding? An Action Study 2024-02-14T03:37:08+00:00 Rahmad Prastiyan Muhammad Nur Hudha Hena Dian Ayu Sulistyo Lestari <p>This study aims to see the students' mastery of concepts in one of the high school in Blitar City<br>in enviromental pollution. This research was an action research involved 36of tenth grade.. Instruments <br>was used in the form of multiple choice totaling twenty five. Students have learned by PBL with TPACK<br>and differentiated learning. At the end of second cycle, student’s mastery of concept was increased.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Menggunakan Alur Merdeka Pada Peserta Didik Kelas X.IPS.4 SMAN 2 Malang 2024-02-14T03:42:10+00:00 Rahmat Ashari Lilik Sri Hariani Very Yulena Widjiastuti <p>The low learning outcomes of students in class X.IPS.4 SMAN 2 Malang in economics is caused by <br>learning methods that have not explored students' academic potential. This motivates researchers to <br>try to improve learning outcomes by implementing the Merdeka strategy in learning activities in class. <br>The purpose of this study was to find out the results of studying economics in class X.IPS.4 students after <br>implementing the Merdeka flow. The hope is that researchers will get an increase in learning outcomes <br>after implementing the Merdeka flow according to the learning objectives that have been set. The <br>research method used is classroom action research carried out in collaboration using the flow of <br>designing, implementing, and reflecting on actions in a collaborative and participatory manner. The <br>results of research in cycle 1 on daily test scores (UH) showed that there were no students who were <br>able to achieve the specified Learning Objectives Achievement Criteria (KKTP). Whereas in cycle 2 there <br>were six students who were able to achieve KKTP based on UH scores in cycle 2 with a percentage of <br>learning completeness to class of only 17.64%.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama Penerapan Model Discovery Learning berbantuan Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika kelas 3 2024-02-14T03:45:29+00:00 Johan Tri Prakoso <p>Models and media also play a role in improving learning outcomes. The purpose of this <br>research is to improve student learning outcomes through the application of learning with the <br>Discovery learning model assisted by audio-visual media in the form of learning videos. The Discovery <br>learning model is learning that provides direct experience to students through practice or <br>experiments. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with the model from Kemmis <br>and Mc.Taggart where each cycle consists of (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and <br>(4) reflection. The research subjects were class III students at SDN Tanjung, with a total of 24 people. <br>Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews, observations and tests through LKPD, while <br>data analysis techniques used an interactive model consisting of data reduction, data presentation, <br>and verification (drawing conclusions). The research results obtained, the learning outcomes of <br>students in class III theme 7 sub-theme 2 in learning increased by using the Discovery Learning model <br>using audio-visual media as seen from the percentage of student learning outcomes, namely: The <br>percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes in the initial test was 25%, cycle I increased <br>to 62, 5%, and experienced an increase in cycle II, namely 87,5%. It can be concluded that discovery <br>learning and audiovisual media can increase the activity and learning outcomes of elementary school <br>students.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Seminar Nasional dan Prosiding PPG Unikama