The importance of the teacher in carrying out learning variations when learning in the classroom and the teacher's pedagogical competence is very important for lesson planning, learning processes, and increasing student learning motivation. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. The results of the study showed that at SDN Bandungrejosari 1 Malang, the teacher's pedagogic competence had been carried out and the learning variations were declared valid from several indicators that the researchers had developed. Based on research on teacher pedagogic analysis in learning variations, it can be concluded that teacher pedagogic competence is very closely related to teacher performance in teaching and learning activities and it can be concluded that with variations in learning, one can achieve the desired learning objectives, one of which is by applying learning variations and applying various models and learning methods when teaching in class. Based on the results obtained, it is suggested that teachers improve pedagogic competence and learning variations so that they are useful for students so that students do not get bored easily when learning in class.
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