Pengembangan E-LKPD Berbasis Karakter Religius pada Materi Keragaman Suku dan Agama Kelas IV SD

  • Annisa Putri Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Yulianti Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Romadhon Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: the electronic student worksheet, religious character, thematics


The Electronic Student Worksheet (E-LKPD) is a summary of the material and tasks/activities that students must do online with thematic content, Theme 7, Subtheme 1: Ethnic and Religious Diversity in My Country, Grade IV SD. This study aims to produce an E-LKPD based on religious characters on the material of ethnic and religious diversity so that students are able to obey God and the teachings of their respective religions and then tolerate other people's ethnicities/beliefs. The research conducted is a development research with ADDIE design which data collection is done by giving validation questionnaires to lecturers of material experts, media experts, linguists, classroom teacher validation questionnaires and students' practicality questionnaires. E-LKPD was tested limited to 15 fourth grade students of SDN 1 Bantur by giving pretest and posttest questions. The results show that: (1) E-LKPD based on religious characters has been produced on the material of ethnic and religious diversity with the feasibility test proven to be "Very Appropriate" to use (2) The practicality test of the E-LKPD is proven to be “Practical†in use. (3) The effectiveness test of the E-LKPD is proven to be "Effective"


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