Pengembangan Media Game Pintu Cita - Citaku Berbasis Web Materi Jenis – Jenis Pekerjaan Pada Siswa Kelas IV SDN Donomulyo 03
Background of this research lack of use learning media, IPS. Learning is carried out online due to covid-19 pandemic. An interesting and easy-to-use electronic learning media needed to improve quality of education daring covid-19 pandemic. This Study aims to develop the Web-Based PITAKU Game,as well to determine feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of Web-Based PITAKU Game learning . This study uses ADDIE model development. Test subjects for this media product include material expert validators, media expert validators, linguist validators, fourth grade teachers, and fourth grade students at SDN Donomulyo 03 Donomulyo District, Malang Regency. Results of this learning media research have gone through systematic stages of development research. Based on validation results, material experts obtained an average value of 90% very high feasibility category, media expert validators obtained an average value of 96% very high eligibility category and linguist validators obtained an average value of 94% very high category. Results of questionnaire response by teacher obtained 93.5% very practical category, and limited trial on fourth grade students obtained 91.6% very practical category. Thus, the Web-Based PITAKU Game learning media is feasible and practical to be used as a learning medium for social studies content for types of class IV work.
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