Pengembangan E-Evaluation Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Karakter Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
An electronic learning evaluation is a device for learning to electronically based students made through computer desktops, notebooks, and smartphones. The study in general aims to produce a character-based learning evaluation tool with the help of interactive media quizziz, which is both feasible and practical. Specifically, the study aims to describe the process of development and production of consumer electronic learning assessments based on character values. The study includes research and development (R&D). The model used in this study is the addie model. It consists of five stages: analysis (analysis), design (development), development (implementation), implementation (evaluation). The data-collecting instrument used in this study is an angket for measuring its feasibility, and its practicality. The data analysis techniques used include quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques.
Electronic assessments of character based learning on theme 6 subtheme 3 for grade iv elementary school students meet the criteria: a) worthy, with a percentage average of three validator by 94.58%; B) practical, with a 95.28% response rate averaged by teachers and students. Based on these results, e-qualities-based character values in the class can increase the motivation for students' learning so that learning can walk more effectively and enjoyable. Based on these results, electronic learning assessments based on character values in the classroom can increase the motivation for student study so that learning can walk more effectively and enjoyable.
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