Pengembangan Media Interaktif Berbasis Karakter Materi Peredaran Darah Manusia Untuk Kelas V SD
Educators need to provide fun learning and develop learning media in the form of interactive media. Media development is carried out to attract students' interest in learning, the media is presented more attractively and easily understood. Media is associated with the character of students towards a better direction. This study aims to determine the criteria for the development, feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of interactive media based on the character of the human blood circulation material. To determine the feasibility and practicality of the media used a questionnaire sheet, while to determine the effectiveness of the media through evaluation questions. The results showed that the feasibility aspect obtained an average percentage by linguists of 84%. 95% media experts with very valid criteria and 70% material experts with valid criteria; the practical aspect of obtaining the average percentage of questionnaire responses from educators and students to 93% and 94%, respectively, with very practical criteria. The effectiveness aspect of the average score obtained by students is 79 with very effective criteria. These results indicate that the interactive media based on the character of the human blood circulation material developed is very good for use in the learning process.
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