Pengembangan E-Ensiklopedia Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter Gotong Royong Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD
The learning process still uses improvised teaching materials without any development, this results in students being less enthusiastic about learning. It takes interesting, easy-to-use and innovative teaching materials to improve the quality of education. This study aims to describe the feasibility, attractiveness and effectiveness of developing an e-encyclopedia based on mutual cooperation character education. The model used is the ADDIE development model. The test subjects in this study were fourth grade students at SD Negeri Kambingan. The instrument used is a questionnaire sheet and test questions. The resulting E-Encyclopedia meets the following criteria: a.) Very Eligible, with the average percentage of results obtained from the feasibility test is 88.25%; b.) Very Interesting, with the results of the teacher and student questionnaire assessments with an average attractiveness questionnaire of 96%; c.) Very Effective, with the results of the effectiveness test on 15 students being 85%. The results of developing an e-encyclopedia based on mutual cooperation character education can be used as a teacher reference as a companion teaching material during the learning process.
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