Pengembangan E Modul Berbasis Canva Digital Tentang Manfaat Hewan Bagi Manusia Siswa Kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar
The purpose of this research is to develop and produce a digital Canva-based E Module about the benefits of animals for humans for grade 3 elementary school students. The development research model carried out in this study is the ADDIE model development stage. The ADDIE development has five stages, namely: analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. The data obtained using quantitative and qualitative data. The feasibility analysis obtained an average of 93.44%, the practicality analysis obtained an average of 95.31%, the effectiveness analysis obtained an average of 90.5 with a KKM of >75. In conclusion, the feasibility analysis of the validators gets the "Very Eligible" category, the practicality analysis obtained from the teacher and student practicality questionnaires gets the "Very Practical" category, and the effectiveness analysis obtained from the evaluation activities gets the "Very Effective" category. E Module teaching materials can be used by teachers as an alternative means of conveying material on the benefits of animals for humans, so that teachers are able to provide material in a way that attracts students' attention.
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