Pelatihan Menggambar Digital dengan Media Handphone melalui Aplikasi Sketchbook

  • Wening Hesti Nawa Ruci Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Indah Chrysanti Angge Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Hybrid Learning, digital drawing, sketchbook, community service


Digital drawing is one of the learning materials that can be applied for hybrid learning. The Unesa PKM team provided digital drawing training at the Ngawi Regency Cultural Arts MGMP. Digital drawing training is carried out using mobile media through the sketchbook application. The main objective of the training is for the teachers of the Ngawi Regency Arts and Culture MGMP to acquire digital drawing skills and be able to apply them to hybrid learning in their respective schools. The methods applied in the digital drawing training are the lecture method, question and answer method, demonstration and practice work. The main material of this training is digital drawing in general, working with sketchbook applications, digital drawing business and finding personal style. This training gave positive results for teachers in digital drawing through the sketchbook application. Overall, the participants were able to install, run and draw with the sketchbook application (100%), teach students (60%), and are interested in exploring a side profession (20%). The implication of this training is that teachers gain skills to learn to draw in a hybrid way.


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