Pengembangan Media Peta Pada Pembelajaran IPS Materi Letak Geografis Berbasis Scanbarcode Kelas 5 SD

  • Virgilius Darwin R. N. Tangga Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Siti Halimatus Sakdiyah Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Denna Delawanti C Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: IPS, Media Map, Scanbarcode


The limitations of supporting media and the neglect of media use resulted in learning that was not in accordance with the needs of students. Meanwhile, technological developments at this time are increasingly affecting human behavior, ranging from how to communicate to how to teach in the classroom using technology. The aims of this research are 1) to develop scanbarcode-based map media, 2) to describe the feasibility of scanbarcode-based map media, 3) to describe the practicality of scanbarcode-based map media. The method used is to modify the ADDIE Model with four stages: analysis, design, development and implementation. The test subjects were 5th grade students of SDK Marga Bhakti. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire and documentation. The results showed that the map media was feasible to use. Assessments by media experts get a percentage of 87%. Assessments from material experts get a percentage of 78%. Assessments from linguists get a percentage of 98%. Assessments by prospective users (teachers) get a percentage of 87%. The assessment of the results of student responses in a limited field trial got a percentage of 99%. Based on the results of the research above, it shows that the media is suitable for use in learning


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