Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Tematik Card Match Circle Untuk Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
This research aims for the development that will be achieved in this research is to develop Mard Match Circle thematic learning products that are suitable for subjects in elementary school grade IV. This research refers to the development and research of the nine-stage model made by Borg and Gall, namely planning, design and prodct revisn. Field testing and revision of the final product. “Data were collected using questionnaire techniques and instruments distributed to students.â€â€ The results of this study stated that (1) The results of the feasibility of developing a Match Circel Media Card (CMC) in Thematic Learning Types of Class IV Elementary School Work were Valid with Revisions. This is evidenced by the results of the valiation recapitulation, namely Maerial Validation with a scre of 4.7% and a valid level of achievement. then Design Validation with a score of 84.61% and Valid achievement level. the last is Media Validation with a score of 4.15% and the level of achievement is Valid. So it can be seen that in both validations, the results of the achievement level are valid. The highest score was obtained in language validation with a value of 87.5%. (2) Te reslts of the resech on the developmet of Card Match Circle (CMC) media in Grade IV Elementary School Thematic Learning conducted on teachers showed that the teacher's response stated that the Media Card Match Circle that was distributed was very good and valid with a score of 100%. (3) The results of Student Response Development of Card Match Circle (CMC) media in Grade IV Elementary School Thematic Learning shows that Media Card Match Circle is very good.
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