Pengembangan Media Paromi (Papan Roulette Misteri) Berbasis Web Game Organ Pernapasan Manusia dan Hewan Untuk Siswa Kelas V SD
In the learning process, teachers still use the lecture method and use book teaching materials and LKPD. During online learning, students easily feel bored and find it difficult to understand the material. This is because at the time of learning the teacher lacks innovation in the use of learning media. This study aims to describe the development, feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of the web-based Paromi media for human and animal respiratory organs. The model used is the ADDIE model which consists of the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instruments used are material, media and language validation sheets as well as teacher and fifth grade student questionnaire responses. Media Paromi meets the following criteria: a) Eligible, with a percentage of material expert eligibility 83%, media expert 90%, and linguist 87%; b) Very practical, with the results of the practicality assessment of 93% teacher response questionnaires and 95% student response questionnaires, ; c) Very effective, with effectiveness test results obtained from 18 students 89%. The results of the development of web game-based Paromi media can be a teacher reference in the use of learning media during the learning process.
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