Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Operasi Bilangan Cacah Berbasis Karakter Berbantuan Batang Cuisenaire Kelas II Sekolah Dasar
Abstract: This paper aims to develop a Worksheet for Students in the Operations of Count Numbers Based on the Cuisenaire Rod Assistance Character. The background of this writing is the lack of interest in learning mathematics due to the absence of learning tools and the lack of character education in early childhood. The use of props has to be done since grade 1 and character education is carried out early in the family environment. The implementation function of this LKPD is to assist teachers and students in facilitating the learning process, especially mathematics material. The model used in this research is R&D using the Borg and Gall method. In this study using a questionnaire, pre-test and post test, with the subject of SDN Turirejo 02 Lawang. The use of LKPD with the aid of teaching aids is currently in great demand by students, therefore the use of cuisenaire bars is expected to attract students.
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