Pengembangan Ensiklopedia Berbasis Integrasi Islam Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Materi Lingkunganku Kelas V MI Darunnajah Bakalan Kabupaten Pasuruan
Abstract: The purpose of this study to determine the feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of Islamic Integration-based Encyclopedia teaching materials on thematic learning material for class V environment. The research method used the Research and Development (R&D) method, research used to create certain products, and testing the feasibility of these products using the ADDIE research stage. The results of the research by teaching material experts, material experts 86.53% and 88.65% in the "feasible" category. The results of the assessment of prospective users (teachers) and student responses got a percentage of 95.7% and 90.5% in the "practical" category, the results of the evaluation effectiveness of the evaluation questions given by students showed an average value of 92.41% with "very feasible" category. ". Based on these percentages, the Islamic Integration-based Encyclopedia teaching materials in the thematic learning of Class V environmental have met the criteria and practically used as a learning resource in schools.
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