Analisis Literasi Sains di Sekolah Dasar Bakalan Krajan 1 dan 2 Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang
Abstract: This study aims to determine the analysis of scientific literacy at SDN Bakalan Krajan 1 and SDN Bakalan Krajan 2, Sukun District, Malang City. This type of research is a quantitative survey method. The results obtained indicate that the level of scientific literacy of elementary school students will be Krajan 1 and will be Krajan 2 Malang City based on the measurement of 3 competencies. 1) Interest in science 80.5 is included in the high category: 2) Assessing the scientific approach to inquiry 75.5 is included in the high category; and 3) environmental awareness 79 is included in the high category. Based on the value obtained, it can be concluded that the average student scientific literacy is high. If averaged - all data get an average of 78. In this data it can be seen that the scores of the SD students of the sample SD Bakalan Krajan 1 and 2 are in the high category of 72% -85%. With this scientific literacy research, it is hoped that teachers can add new insights and experiences in the learning process to maintain and improve students' scientific literacy skills. Increasing students' scientific literacy is very important in today's technology era. With this research on the analysis of scientific literacy, it is hoped that further researchers will benefit from, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this research as an evaluation material to further improve the literacy skills of students.
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