Pengembangan E-Modul Bangun Datar Sederhana Berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL) Menggunakan Aplikasi Kvsoft Flipbook Maker Untuk Siswa Kelas III
Abstract: This research is motivated by the need for electronic-based e-module teaching materials combined with the PBL approach in order to understand and attract students' interest in mathematics. The purpose of this study was to develop mathematics teaching materials, especially in simple flat shapes in grade III elementary schools and to measure the feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of the developed media. This study uses the ADDIE model. Data collection using validation sheets and response questionnaires. This research uses qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. The PBL-based flat-build e-module using the kvisoft flipbook maker application produced was declared feasible or valid with a score of 85.82%. The result of the questionnaire response was a score of 3.78 which indicates a good category. The results of the effectiveness of the evaluation test in class III students obtained a value of 90.47. So that this e-module can increase student motivation.
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